Joke Of The Day: Having a Bad Day

Joke Of The Day: Having a Bad Day Discovering that I’d overslept, I abandoned my usual morning routine and rushed out. In the van, though, I realized I had time to stop for a take-out coffee.

I got my coffee and returned to the van, only to find I had not only left it running but had locked it!

The day was going from bad to worse.

I returned to the shop, sheepishly explained my situation to the clerk and asked if I could borrow a broom.

I managed to open a side window and pop the lock on the back door using the broom handle. When I returned the broom, the clerk said, “I know you’re having a bad day, but…”

“I know, I know,” I interrupted. “You want to know how I can unlock my van with a broom.”

“No,” she said. “I wanted to tell you that your shirt is on inside out.”