Joke Of The Day: Chinese Rejuvenation

Rubber Chicken Li Hong, a desperate Chinese guy decides to hire the services of a woman of the night. As soon as they are in the room, they undress and get on with it.

When done, Li Hong gets down from the bed, does 5 sit-ups, runs to the window, rotates his head clockwise in circular motion, crawls under the bed, comes out from the other side, jumps into the bed and performs another session with the woman.

The woman is impressed with the energy of Li Hong. When done, the Chinese guy gets down from the bed, does 5 sit-ups, runs to the window, rotates his head clockwise in circular motion, crawls under the bed, comes out from the other side, jumps into the bed and performs a third session with the woman.

This happens 3 more times. The woman can’t help but wonder how this guy rejuvenates himself after such rigorous sessions. So she decides to try it out, gets down from the bed, does 5 sit-ups, runs to the window, rotates her head clockwise in circular motion, crawls under the bed, only to find 5 Chinese men.