Joke Of The Day

When James Bond died, he went to heaven, and St Peter asked “What’s your name?”

“Bond, James Bond.”

“Everybody says that, I’m going you a test, and if you pass you can get it. Go into that room full of people and bring me Adam.”

After a few minutes, James Bond comes out of the room with Adam.

St Peter asks “How did you do it?”

Bond replies “It was easy, he was the only one without a belly button.”

St Peter asks Adam to go back inside and asks everybody to cover their stomachs. He dares James Bond to try again. And he did after five minutes.

St Peter asks “How did you do it this time?”

Bond replies “It was easy, he was the only one missing a rib.”

St Peter dares him again, and asks everybody to dress the same. And after 10 minutes, there were noises, people shouting and insults… finally James Bond came out with Adam once more.

St Peter say “I can’t believe it, you really are James Bond, but tell me, how did you do it?”

Bond says “It was easy, I started to tell Yo Mama jokes, and he was the only one that didn’t get offended.”