Joke Of The Day

Q. What do female Muslims use for birth control?
A. Their faces.

Q. What’s the difference between a Muslim and a dead horse?
A. It’s no fun beating a dead horse.

Q. What’s the difference between an American BBQ and an Islamic BBQ?
A. In America, Humans roast animals over a fire. In Islam, it’s the other way around.

Q. What do you say to a Muslim with his arm all the way up a camel’s rump?
A. “Having car trouble?”

Q. What’s the difference between Nancy Pelosi and a terrorist enemy?
A. I don’t know either.

Q: How do you get a Muslim woman pregnant?
A: Dress her up as a goat.

Q. How many Muslims does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
A. What’s toilet paper?

Q. What do Muslim men do during foreplay?
A. Tickle the goat under the chin.

Q. How many Muslim extremists will it take to destroy America?
A. None, American Liberals can do it all by themselves, thank you.

Q. How did the Muslim adulteress cross the road?
A. She was dragged by her feet, kicking and screaming, then she was stoned to death by a baying lynch-mob of brainwashed psychopaths.

Q. Did you hear the one about the violent 53 year-old pedophile?
A. Yes. He is named Mohammad and is revered by one fifth of the world’s population as the one who started the world’s most intolerant, repressive, misogynistic and violent religion.

Q. What’s the quickest way to find a Muslim in Washington D.C.
A. Take a White House tour.