Joke Of The Day: Crazy Uncle Louie

Rubber ChickenA woman gives birth to twins, a girl and a boy.

Her husband isn’t there, and she doesn’t want to name them without him seeing them first. But the hospital insists that the babies must be named by the end of the day.

Crazy Uncle Louie overhears this and he names them (unbeknownst to the couple).

Later the husband arrives, and the happy couple are set to name the babies when a nurse informs them that Uncle Louie already took care of that.

“Oh no!” they cry. “He’s crazy and doesn’t know what he’s doing. What names did he pick?”

The nurse says, “Well, he named the girl Denise.”

“Whew, not bad. In fact, that’s nice.

And how about the boy?”




Air Force Academy Graduates Four Sisters

Though neither of their parents were in the military, four sisters from Connecticut have started their own tradition by all joining the air force. This week twins Amanda and Alicia Robillard became Air Force Academy graduates, marking the first time four sisters have graduated from the Academy. Lauren, who is a helicopter pilot, was in the class of 2007, and Nicole, an airfield operations officer, was in the class of 2009.

Alicia said:

“While they (my sisters) and my parents were sure to not make Amanda and I feel forced in any way, the fact that they were here opened us up to the opportunities and experiences that I would have not been aware of … In a sense, you could say it is like choosing the same college as your best friend, especially for Amanda and me.”


Joke Of The Day

Twin brothers were born. As they grew up, one took the path of least resistance, and did not live a very good life. He drank, gambled, cheated on his wife, stole, embezzled-you name it. Of course, because of his lifestyle, he did not live to be very old.

Years and years later, the other twin-who had lead an exemplary-died with his loved ones by his side at the ripe old age of 89.

So when he got to heaven, St. Peter asked him if he had any requests. He said to St. Peter, “Look, I know my twin brother didn’t lead a good life, but he was my brother, and if it’s okay with you, I’d really like to take one last look at him.”

“Certainly, my son,” St. Peter said as he parted the clouds to peer down into the underworld. The man saw the most extraordinary thing! His brother was on a deserted island in a lake of fire, with a beautiful blonde on one hand and a bottle of 100-year-old whiskey in the other!

“I don’t get it,” the man said, “What kind of punishment is that?”

“Ah,” said St. Peter, “Don’t be deceived by looks, my son. All is not what it appears to be. You see, the bottle of whiskey has a hole in it, but the girl . . . “

Joke Of The Day

A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption.

One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named “Ahmal.”

The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him “Juan.”

Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother.

Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal.

Her husband responds, “They’re twins! If you’ve seen Juan, you’ve seen Ahmal.”

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