What Kind Of Nation?

What kind of nation would fire thousands of its Military Service members for refusing an untested vaccine while allowing millions of unvetted, unvaccinated ILLEGAL Aliens free access to their entire country?

What kind of nation would fire thousands of its Military Service members for refusing an untested vaccine while allowing millions of unvetted, unvaccinated ILLEGAL Aliens free access to their entire country?

Joke Of The Day: Put a Lid on It!

Joke Of The Day: Put a Lid on It! A soldier went up to the Company cook and said, “If you put a lid on the pan, there’ll be less dust and dirt in the food.”

The cook, very annoyed, replied, “You mind your own business. Your duty is to defend the homeland!”

“That’s right,” said the soldier. “But my duty is to defend it, not to eat it.”





Our Troops

If our troops aren't at our southern border protecting our nation from an invasion, they shouldn't be anywhere else in the world protecting any other nation's borders.

If our troops aren’t at our southern border protecting our nation from an invasion, they shouldn’t be anywhere else in the world protecting any other nation’s borders.


Obama overthrew, infiltrated, filled and restructured every government agency which could have held him responsible so that they could no longer function to protect Americans. They are now designed to attack and silence them.

Obama overthrew, infiltrated, filled and restructured every government agency which could have held him responsible so that they could no longer function to protect Americans. They are now designed to attack and silence them.

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