How To Of The Day: How To Be A Mentalist


A mentalist is an individual who appears to have supernatural powers in divining the truth about an individual as well as many facts about that person’s life. A mentalist must be great at decoding, possess observational skills, and have a highly developed ability to observe minute detail. Many people, from criminal profilers to magicians, all use mentalist tactics and a working knowledge of psychology to interpret human behavior. Wanna get your Simon Baker on? Here’s how.

1 Make snap, educated judgments. Part of being a mentalist is about trusting your judgment. Unfortunately, most people have turned their observation skills off. General and non-overt assessment of an individual provides good background information that is normally missed. For example, are the person’s hands soft or calloused? Is his musculature toned or not? Is the person dressed to stand out or to hide? Take yourself right now — what might someone learn about you just from looking at you?

  • There are dozens of general assessment information items that will help you to profile the individual. Think of Sherlock Holmes — he didn’t have ESP, he justnoticed things. That’s all. A slight tan line on the left ring finger. A pen mark on the left hand. He would now trust that this person is either divorced or separated and right-handed. Trust those snap judgments!

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Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: ‘It’s Spiritual Warfare’

Phil Robertson, revealed in an interview that much of what happens during taping of Duck Dynasty gets distorted by editors “with no moral compass.”

“They inserted fake beeps like somebody had used profanity,” Robertson said. “But no one had used profanity.”

After much back and forth, the editors finally quit inserting the fake bleeps. But then they deleted the words, “In Jesus’ name,” during the family’s prayer scene at the end of the show.

After raising the issue, Robertson said, “I noticed now, every once in a while, they’re leaving it in there.”

Popular A&E reality show “Duck Dynasty” continues to smash competition in the ratings on Wednesday nights, but one star has spoken out about how the show is portrayed.

In an interview with Sports Spectrum TV earlier this year that’s only recently gone viral, Phil Robertson admitted that fake bleeps were inserted into the show even though there was no cursing happening.

“The inserted fake bleeps … like somebody had used profanity, but no one had used profanity,” Robertson said. “I ask those guys that produce the show … ‘What’s the point of the fake bleeps?’”

Robertson admitted that there are up to 20 editors who are “arranging the scenes” on the show so they might think that’s where cursing likely happened.

“Of course these people probably thought that there was some profanity going on which there was zero,” Robertson stated. “If we’re not using profanity, why make it look like we’re using profanity? What is the point? Why don’t you just run it and say what we say?”

Robertson also said that the name Jesus has been cut out during the family’s prayer scene at the end of the show.

“So they would just have me saying, ‘Thank you Lord for the food, thank you for loving us. Amen.’ So I said, ‘Why would you cut out ‘In Jesus’ name?’ They said, ‘Well those editors are probably doing that. They just think that they don’t want to offend some of the Muslims or something.’”

Robertson said that since that conversation the show has been leaving “Jesus” in the show.

“So I notice now they are … leaving it in there, but you got to remember, spiritual warfare,” Robertson said. “I mean you have people with no moral compass, it ain’t there.”

“Duck Dynasty” has been a smash hit for A&E, garnering 11.8 million viewers for the Season Four premiere.

The Robertsons’ Duck Commander business is located in West Monroe, La.
