Joke Of The Day: Exploring The Moon

Rubber Chicken NASA sends an Obama voter and a chimpanzee to the moon.

When the rocket lands on the moon’s surface, the computer screen automatically switches itself on and the chimpanzee clicks on the desktop file that contains his instructions:

1) Ensure that rocket has landed at the correct co-ordinates and is anchored safely.
2) Check ALL life support systems.
3) Prepare laboratory for analyzing samples.
4) Put on space suit, step outside of rocket on to the surface, collect soil and rock samples, return to laboratory, conduct tests on samples and report back to Houston giving us your “best guess” as to whether or not the Moon is adequate for terraforming.

The chimp clicks out of his file and runs off to do his duties.

The Obama voter then sits in front of the computer and clicks on his file:

1) Feed the chimpanzee.



Joke Of The Day: Finger Wound

Rubber Chicken An Obama voter was rushed to the hospital with a bullet wound in his index finger.

Doctor: How did this happen?

Obama voter: I tried to commit suicide.

Doctor: You shot your finger trying to commit suicide?

Obama voter: No, I shot in my ear. But just before pulling the trigger, I realized that there would be a loud bang, so I put my finger in my other ear.



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