Joke Of The Day: A Vacation In Mexico

Joke Of The Day: A Vacation In Mexico A man went on vacation to Mexico. He went to a restaurant and while eating saw a plate with two huge meat balls on it. He called over the waitress and asked “What is that dish you just served.”

The waitress said “That is bull testicles. Everyday we have 1 bull fight, if you want to eat it you have to reserve a day before.”

So he reserved the dish for the next day, he went there and ate it, he loved it but he called over the waitress and said “These are delicious but yesterday the balls were so big and today they are small, why is that?”

The waitress looked back with a sad face and said “The bull doesn’t always lose.”





Flashback: Obama Refers to Libya As A Sh*t Show

Remember when Obama called Libya a Sh*t Show? Where was the outrage by the Mainstream media then?

Obama Refers to Libya As A Shitshow

From the Independent:

Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a ‘s*** show’
Unprecedented attack by serving US President claims UK was ‘distracted’

Barack Obama has sharply criticised David Cameron for the UK’s role in allowing Libya to become a “sh*t show” after the fall of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in an unprecedented attack on a British leader by a serving US President.

Mr Obama said that following a successful military intervention to aid rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring revolt, Libya was left to spiral out of control – due largely to the inaction of America’s European allies.

In a candid US magazine interview, Mr Obama said: “When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong… there’s room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya’s proximity, being invested in the follow-up.”

Libya is a sh*t show because of Obama and Hillary. Now the country is plagued with civil wars, slavery and human trafficking. The migrant invasion of Europe was also caused by their actions in Libya. When will these war criminals be convicted for their actions?



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