Venezuelans Offering To Build The Wall

The Venezuelans are offering to build the wall. 😀

That’s absolutely hilarious. It’s a sad situation overall, but they’ll even paint it!

Living through Socialism is a huge red pill!

Heroin Seizures By Southwest Border Corridor

Deaths of Americans from heroin coming over the Mexico border cost the USA $14 billion per year. Spend $45 billion on a wall, upgrade border checkpoints and the wall pays for itself before President Trump leaves office. (*approximate cost takes into account everything, from medical/police costs to lost wages)

Heroin Seizures By Southwest Border Corridor

Washington “Career Politicians” will never agree to anything that cuts into their profits…. huuuuge money for them in the heroin market.

Build The Wall: Construction Progress

The fly by overview in this video puts in perspective just how stupid Jim Acosta’s recent wall statements were.

120 miles longer is a good start. Trump should send Chuck and Nancy to an open section of border for a few days and take away all their security team. Acosta can protect them.


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