The material presented in Millie Weaver’s documentary should concern people of all political affiliations. The DoD built “SHADOWNET” acts as an identity tracking system for the left-wing private sector who now owns it. They’re using it against you and anyone who opposes them.
Millie was arrested hours before she was going to release her documentary exposing the Deep State.
A Government Accountability Office report details ‘Museum-Ready’ machines controlling the United States Nuclear force messaging system that are ‘obsolete’.
The Department of Defense Air Force Strategic Automated Command and Control System, as pictured in the Government Accountability Office report.
The US military’s nuclear arsenal is controlled by computers built in the 1970s that still use 8-inch floppy disks.
A report into the state of the US government, released by congressional investigators, has revealed that the country is spending around $60 billion to maintain museum-ready computers, which many do not even know how to operate any more, as their creators retire.
The Defense Department’s Strategic Automated Command and Control System (DDSACCS), which is used to send and receive emergency action messages to US nuclear forces, runs on a 1970s IBM computing platform. It still uses 8-inch floppy disks to store data.
We’re not even talking the more modern 3.5 inch floppy disk that millennials might only know as the save icon. We’re talking the OG 8-inch floppy, which was a large floppy square with a magnetic disk inside it. They became commercially available in 1971, but were replaced by the 5¼ inch floppy in 1976, and by the more familiar hard plastic 3.5 inch floppy in 1982.
Shockingly, the US Government Accountability Office said: “Replacement parts for the system are difficult to find because they are now obsolete.”
The Pentagon said it was instigating a full replacement of the ancient machines and while the entire upgrade will take longer, the crucial floppy disks should be gone by the end of next year.
Given that magnetic media has a finite shelf life, and that disks and the drives needed to read and write to them are older than some of the operators of the machinery, the floppy revelation makes you wonder whether the US could even launch a nuclear attack if required. An “error, data corrupted” message could be literally life or death.
Over the last two decades, the Pentagon has lost an astonishing $10 trillion dollars… and the Defense Department has no idea where it went!
Over a mere two decades, the Pentagon lost track of a mind-numbing $10 trillion — that’s trillion, with a fat, taxpayer-funded “T” — and no one, not even the Department of Defense, really knows where it went or on what it was spent.
Even though audits of all federal agencies became mandatory in 1996, the Pentagon has apparently made itself an exception, and a full 20 years later stands firmly resolute in never having complied.
Defense officials insist an audit would take too long and ironically cost too much.
“Over the last 20 years, the Pentagon has broken every promise to Congress about when an audit would be completed,” Rafael DeGennaro, director of Audit the Pentagon, told the Guardian recently. “Meanwhile, Congress has more than doubled the Pentagon’s budget.”
President Trump’s newly-proposed budget seeks to toss an additional $54 billion into the evidently bottomless pit.
Without the mandated audit, the Department Of Defense could be purchasing damned near anything, at any cost, and use, or give, it — to anyone, for any reason.
Officials with the Government Accountability Office and Office of the Inspector General have catalogued egregious financial disparities at the Pentagon for years — yet the Defense Department grouses the cost and energy necessary to perform an audit in compliance with the law makes it untenable.
Astonishingly, the Pentagon’s own watchdog tacitly approves this technically illegal workaround — and the legally gray and, yes, literally, on-the-books-corrupt practices in tandem — to what would incontrovertibly be a most unpleasant audit, indeed.
Take the following of myriad examples, called “Plugging,” for which Pentagon bookkeepers are not only encouraged to conjure figures from thin air, but, in many cases, they would be physically and administratively incapable of performing the job without doing so — without ever having faced consequences for this brazen cooking of books.
Reutersreported the results of an investigation into Defense’s magical number-crunching well over three years ago, on November 18, 2013 — detailing the illicit tasks of 15-year employee, “Linda Woodford [who] spent the last 15 years of her career inserting phony numbers in the U.S. Department of Defense’s accounts.”
Woodford, who has since retired, and others like her, act as individual pieces in the amassing chewed gum only appearing to plug a damning mishandling of funds pilfered from the American people to fund wars overseas for resources in the name of U.S. defense.
“Every month until she retired in 2011,” Scot J. Paltrow wrote for Reuters, “she says, the day came when the Navy would start dumping numbers on the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the Pentagon’s main accounting agency. Using the data they received, Woodford and her fellow DFAS accountants there set about preparing monthly reports to square the Navy’s books with the U.S. Treasury’s – a balancing-the-checkbook maneuver required of all the military services and other Pentagon agencies.
“And every month, they encountered the same problem. Numbers were missing. Numbers were clearly wrong. Numbers came with no explanation of how the money had been spent or which congressional appropriation it came from. ‘A lot of times there were issues of numbers being inaccurate,’ Woodford says. ‘We didn’t have the detail … for a lot of it.’”
Where a number of disparities could be corrected through hurried communications, a great deal — thousands each month, for each person on the task — required fictitious figures. Murkily deemed, “unsubstantiated change actions” — tersely termed, “plugs” — this artificial fix forcing records into an unnatural alignment is common practice at the Pentagon.
Beyond bogus books, the Pentagon likely flushed that $10 trillion in taxes down the toilet of inanity that is unchecked purchasing by inept staff who must be devoid of prior experience in the field of defense.
This tax robbery would eclipse the palatability of blood money — if it weren’t also being wasted on items such as the 7,437 extraneous Humvee front suspensions — purchased in surplus over the inexplicable 14-year supply of 15,000 unnecessary Humvee front suspensions already gathering warehouse-shelf dust.
And there are three items of note on this particular example, of many:
One, the U.S. Department of Defense considers inventory surpassing a three-year supply, “excessive.”
Two, the stupefying additional seven-thousand-something front suspensions arrived, as ordered, during a period of demand reduced by half.
Three, scores of additional items — mostly unaccounted for in inventory — sit untouched and aging in storage, growing not only incapable of being used, but too dangerous to be properly disposed of safely.
The latter included a charge to the Pentagon of $2,286 — spent for an aluminum pin ordinarily costing just $10 — the irony of whose 228.6 percent markup cannot be overstated.
Considering all the cooking of numbers apparently fueled with burning money stateside, you would think Defense channeled its efforts into becoming a paragon of economic efficiency when the military defends the United States. Overseas. From terrorism. And from terrorists. And terrorist-supporting nations.
But this is the Pentagon — and a trickle of telling headlines regularly grace the news, each evincing yet another missing shipment of weapons, unknown allocation of funds, or retrieval of various U.S.-made arms and munitions by some terrorist group deemed politically less acceptable than others by officials naming pawns.
In fact, so many American weapons and supplies lost by the DoD and CIA become the property of actual terrorists — who then use them sadistically against civilians and strategically against our proxies and theirs — it would be negligent not to describe the phenomenon as pattern, whether or not intent exists behind it.
For now the painstaking audit imperative to Department Of Defense accountability remains only a theory… while the Pentagon’s $10 trillion sits as the world’s largest elephant in apathetic America’s living room.
This is very scary stuff. Maybe this is what those 1.6 billion bullets will be used for.
Conspiracy Theory? You decide.
From Storm Clouds Gathering: The following video details the contents of a Department of Defense document entitled “INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS” or FM 3-39.40. The document is 325 pages long and is signed by JOYCE E. MORROW Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. It was created in 2010 however it has just recently been leaked to the public via the internet and can now be downloaded from multiple sources. In the description below you will find a download link for the document. I encourage you to download it yourself and verify everything that is being said here.
The document outlines military procedures for internment and resettlement of civilians and it describes the layout and administration of interment camps. It clearly states on page 38 that it applies within U.S. territory and specifically addresses the detainment of U.S. citizens as is indicated by the identification procedures for new prisoners on page 146 which states that social security numbers are to be recorded along side their photograph and fingerprints. Included in the list of organizations which may be involved in these internment operations are the Department of Homeland Security, the FEMA, the Department of Defense and the United Nations.
On page 56 the document outlines the responsibilities of Psychological Operations officers within the camps among which it states that a Psyop officer “Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes. and Identifies political activists.” On page 281 the document goes into more detail regarding the role Psychological Operations within the camps specifically in regards to pacifying the population and insuring cooperation.
On page 238 it gives the conditions for the use of deadly force in such camps, among the justifications for lethal force it includes to “terminate an active escape attempt”. That point right there should make it clear that these camps are not benevolent disaster relief type facilities.
On page 244 the document calls for the use of snipers during riots to quote “scan a crowd and identify agitators and riot leaders for apprehension and fire lethal rounds if warranted”.
On page 260 it shows the basic layout for a facility focusing on detainment. It is depicted with interrogation areas, tribunal areas and mortuaries. Each detainment facility is designed to hold 4000 prisoners and they are depicted with multiple levels of barbed wire separating compartments within the facilities with a double barbed wire fence enclosing them and 24 guard towers.
On page 261 it depicts the layout for what they call civilian resettlement facilities, which are designed to house 8,000 people. And though it uses the word resettlement the plans show multiple levels of barbed wire dividing the sections of the facility and double barbed wire fencing on the outside as well as 16 guard towers.
On page 262 the layout for facilities designed for what they call non-compliant prisoners is shown. These camps are designed to hold up to 300 prisoners, they have 3 interrogation centers and are guarded by 13 guard towers.
Now if there is any question whether these plans are active or are just theoretical this should settled by the fact that the U.S. army has been running ads for job positions in these camps since 2009 and apparently they are still hiring.
If you look in the description you’ll find all the links you need to verify this information.
It’s important to note here that this document was created in 2010, which was under the Obama administration, and it predates the NDAA of 2012 which authorized military detainment of U.S. citizens. This clearly shows a long term agenda at work.
If this is something that you think is important for people to know about then please share this video with as many people as you can, especially police and military. A smart strategy would be to download the pdf yourself and email it to people as an attachment with a link to this video so that they know how to navigate the document and so that the document is harder to contain.