Batarang Boomerang

Victor Poulin creates boomerangs of all shapes and sizes. In this video he demonstrates his new fully functional returning batarang boomerang.


Victor Poulin makes boomerangs in unusual forms, including the glaive from Krull, axes, dragons and cats. Unlike previous batarangs that we’ve featured before, this one actually returns to the thrower, just like Batman’s!

In the above video, Poulin shows off this prize of geek craftsmanship. It measures 25.25 inches across. Time and time again, he throws it and it returns to him.

It’s made of wood, so it wouldn’t be as effective as Batman’s own batarangs. But presumably this one could be modified with, say, razor blades.

Poulin has an extensive line of videos showing his boomerangs in action. I’m especially impressed with this one, which shows him playing basketball and starting fires with a boomerang.



James May – Why Do Boomerangs Come Back?

James May answers the question “Why do boomerangs come back?”.

Discover the scientific principles of the Boomerang with James May in the latest Head Squeeze Q & A video.

Not limited just to Aborigines in Australia, Boomerangs have been found all over the world – even in the tombs of Ancient Egypt. Did early hunter gatherers really use these to take our their opponents at long distance, or were they better suited to small prey like birds?

Boomerangs work by harnessing both gyroscopic and aerodynamic forces, much like helicopters and they must be thrown at a very specific angle to function properly.

The world record for a boomerang flight is an incredible six minutes.


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