Tag: Airplanes
Spitfire 944
This short video and the American WW2 Spitfire pilot who is interviewed is probably the best thing to come over the email machine in a long time. We owe a BIG thank you to this brave man and all the others like him. Just watch the expression on his face as he watches himself.
Gentlemen like this will all be gone in a very few years, as most likely, will be the country for which they fought.
Aircraft Avoiding Catastrophe At The Very Last Second
This video shows numerous aircraft avoiding a catastrophe at the very last second.
I hope some of the airlines, featured in this video, were kind enough to offer complementary replacement underwear to the passengers.
I knew that all the airplanes and helicopters in this compilation of fatal accidents avoided at the last second weren’t going to crash. I knew nobody got injured or died. I knew all these things and yet I was curling my toes and found of myself saying “ffffffuuuuu” with every one of them.
This Is Why We Fly
This Is Why We Fly…
This is spectacular. I often have wondered why the airline industry doesn’t have a live video feed from the aircraft’s nose streamed into the cabin in order to amuse and bedazzle their weary travelers.
This is the descent into Queenstown, New Zealand. It must take great faith in your instruments to pilot an approach like this but the rush must be amazing.
Expand it to full screen and enjoy!
…sometimes what a pilot sees in a day, people won’t see in their lifetimes.. amazing Queenstown, New Zealand.
I invite people of the world to come visit this beautiful country and its people.