The Republicans

The Republicans control the House. They control the Senate. But somehow, they still can’t let Trump do what needs to be done for the American people. Balancing the budget? Stopping the corruption? Nope. There’s always ‘something’ in the way. Almost like they don’t actually want to fix anything.

The Republicans control the House. They control the Senate. But somehow, they still can’t let Trump do what needs to be done for the American people. Balancing the budget? Stopping the corruption? Nope. There’s always ‘something’ in the way. Almost like they don’t actually want to fix anything.

Joke Of The Day: At The Movies

Joke Of The Day: At The Movies I went to the movies last night. A man and his dog were sitting in front of me. The dog seemed really engrossed in the film. When the movie was over, I said to the man, “This may sound weird, but your dog really seemed to enjoy that.”

He looked at me and said, “Yeah, it surprised me too. He hated the book.”





They Don’t Work for Us

Isn’t it strange how every time the American people overwhelmingly want something—secure borders, lower taxes, fewer wars—Congressional Democrats vote the exact opposite way? Almost like they don’t work for us at all. Almost like their orders come from somewhere else. Almost.

Isn’t it strange how every time the American people overwhelmingly want something—secure borders, lower taxes, fewer wars—Congressional Democrats vote the exact opposite way? Almost like they don’t work for us at all. Almost like their orders come from somewhere else. Almost.

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