Why It’s Easier To Raise Boys Than Girls

Why It's Easier To Raise Boys Than Girls

Why it’s easier to raise boys than girls:

1. Your kid is upset.
Buy your son a toy and he’s happy.
Buy your daughter a doll and she throws it at you.

2. Your kid gets into a fight at school and you ask why they did it.
Your son: The other kid started it.
Your daughter: I have so much going on in my life right now you have no idea.

3. You ask whats wrong?
Your son: Kid at school beat me up.
Your daughter: Did you ever hate your life?

4. You give your kid a complement, ie. you look good today.
Your son: Thanks.
Your daughter: Oh my god shut up!

5. You tell your kid to eat their food.
Your son: I’m full/I don’t want anymore.
Your daughter: I’m too fat./Food makes me sick.

6. Dad/Mom I want a…
Your son: New Video game/ toy/ TV
Your daughter: Pony, Jewellery.

7. When your kid is mad at you.
Your son: Storms out.
Your daughter: Systematically destroys you mentally.

8. You say “I’m worried about you”.
Your son: I’ll be fine.
Your daughter: You never trust me.

9. Misbehaving.
Your son: Learns curse words, breaks things, gets bad grades, disobeys instructions.
Your daughter: Emotional blackmail, spends all your money, plants emotional instabilities that will slowly be the cause of your nervous breakdown.