Jokes Joke Of The Day: A Depressed Mole February 14, 2024January 14, 2024 gags Q: Why was the mole depressed? A: His life was boring.
Riddles Random Riddle: Just Two Letters February 12, 2024January 12, 2024 gags Which is the only word in the English language to be comprised of two letters, each used three times? Show answer Deeded
Riddles Random Riddle: Beginning and End February 11, 2024January 11, 2024 gags What four-letter word can be put at the beginning of the three words and at the end of the other three words to form six new words? —- WORN —- PIECE —- KEEPER DOWN —- SOME —- BED —- Show answer The word is TIME.
Jokes Joke Of The Day: GI Joe February 7, 2024January 7, 2024 gags Everyone calls my dad GI Joe. Because his name is Joe and he has gastrointestinal issues.
Jokes Joke Of The Day: Breakup After Tragic Accident February 6, 2024January 6, 2024 gags My daughter broke up with this amazing guy because he lost the top half of his foot in a tragic accident. I asked her, “did you break up with him because he was an amputee?” She said, “no, it’s just that I am lack toes intolerant.”