Random Riddle: Find the Presents

You wake up on your birthday, only to find that all your presents are gone! The only thing there is a card. You open it, and it says:

I have hidden your presents. Use these clues to find out where they are. Now, don’t waste a SECOND, and start working! Lap At Star Fit Act.

Random Riddle: Find the Presents



Random Riddle: One Letter Off

There are thousands of antonyms, but not many pairs of opposite words differ by only one letter. See how many of them you can figure out.

Note: Although some pairs used here are not perfect opposites, they are listed as antonyms in the thesaurus.

1. Add one letter to “fast” to create a word with the opposite meaning.
2. Look around in this teaser to find two words that refer to opposite locations.
3. How many? Give two answers that differ by a single letter.
4. Start with a close companion; remove a letter and they become an evil person.
5. Complete with opposite meaning words: We are _____ ____ getting back together.
6. Add a letter to a private region to get something open to all.
7. Remove a letter from a private operation to get something visible to all.

Random Riddle: One Letter Off



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