Random Riddle: Append a Word

For each of the following, find a word that may be appended to each of the three words in the group to form three new valid words.

For example, given: “friend, owner, dealer”, you would need to find the word “ship”, which, when appended to these words, results in the three new valid words: “friendship”, “ownership”, and “dealership” respectively.

1. win, hand, loath
2. shoe, bow, ham
3. red, over, rain
4. dove, pig, cat

Random Riddle: Append a Word



Joke Of The Day: At the Butcher Shop

Joke Of The Day: At the Butcher Shop I walked into the butcher shop to buy some steaks, and the two butchers behind the counter were having an incredibly loud argument. They were screaming at each other about the way the shop was being run and had to be pulled apart by other staff!

In the end, their differences were so great the only way forward was to call in a Meatiator.





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