Movie Quotes Everyone Gets Wrong

These are the movie quotes everyone gets wrong

You might be surprised by how many popular movie quotes you’re remembering just a bit wrong.

‘The Wizard of Oz’ 
Though most people say ‘Looks like we’re not in Kansas anymore,’ or ‘Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,’ those quotes aren’t quite right. Dorothy actually says ‘Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.’

‘The Silence of the Lambs’
If you’ve always thought Hannibal Lecter greets Clarice by saying ‘Hello, Clarice,’ we’ve got news for you. It’s actually ‘Good evening, Clarice.’ How polite!

‘Field of Dreams’
That whispering voice? It’s not quietly murmuring ‘If you build it, they will come.’ The correct quote is ‘If you build it, he will come.’

‘Wall Street’
Though Gordon Gekko definitely thinks greed is good, his quote is actually ‘Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.’

‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’
The Queen says ‘Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?’ Most people think it’s ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’ … and most people are incorrect.

‘The Empire Strikes Back’
This might blow your mind, but when Vader reveals his true identity to Luke, he does not say ‘Luke, I am your father.’ He actually says ‘No, I am your father.’

How many of these quotes have you been saying wrong? Don’t worry, we won’t judge.


Wall Street Advisor Recommends Guns, Ammo For Protection In Collapse


The fact that this is getting play in the Mainstream media is telling.

A top financial advisor, worried that Obamacare, the NSA spying scandal and spiraling national debt is increasing the chances for a fiscal and social disaster, is recommending that Americans prepare a “bug-out bag” that includes food, a gun and ammo to help them stay alive.

David John Marotta, a Wall Street expert and financial advisor and Forbes contributor, said in a note to investors, “Firearms are the last item on the list, but they are on the list. There are some terrible people in this world. And you are safer when your trusted neighbors have firearms.”

His memo is part of a series addressing the potential for a “financial apocalypse.” His view, however, is that the problems plaguing the country won’t result in armageddon. “There is the possibility of a precipitous decline, although a long and drawn out malaise is much more likely,” said the Charlottesville, Va.-based president of Marotta Wealth Management.

Marotta said that many clients fear an end-of-the-world scenario. He doesn’t agree with that outcome, but does with much of what has people worried.

“I, along with many other economists, agree with many of the concerns expressed in these dire warnings. The growing debt and deficit spending is a tax on those holding dollars. The devaluation in the U.S. dollar risks the dollar’s status as the reserve currency of the world. Obamacare was the worst legislation in the past 75 years. Socialism is on the rise and the NSA really is abrogating vast portions of the Constitution. I don’t disagree with their concerns,” he wrote.

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Sarah Palin: “Paying at the Pump”

Sarah Palin and Eric Bolling present real solutions to solve our country’s rising energy prices and relieve America’s pain at the pump.

During the climax of Friday’s Fox News’ special Paying At The Pump, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin finally revealed what was being held in Eric Bolling‘s much-ballyhooed top secret manila envelope which held Bolling’s solution to energy prices.

Since March, Bolling has pleaded to President Obama to reach out to him about his ideas for reducing the price of gasoline, even giving out his phone number on the air during Fox & Friends in hopes that the Commander-in-Chief would give him a ring to discuss his “silver bullet” solution.


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