Does Being Cold Make You Sick?

Can being cold make you sick?

“You’ll catch your death of cold!” Grandma says when you show up with just a sweater on in the winter. So you once again explain to her that you aren’t allowed to wear a coat in class because of security rules and there’s no place to put one where it won’t be stolen. But does cold weather make you sick? No. And yes. AsapSCIENCE explains the nuts and bolts of winter weather and colds and flu.

Put another way, cold weather makes me sick. Sick at heart when I have to venture out to start the car early. And sick to my stomach when I think of the heating bills. And I think it might affect my arthritis a bit, too.



Joke Of The Day

A man returns to the U.S. from Africa feeling very ill. He goes to see his doctor, and is immediately rushed to the hospital, to undergo a barrage of extensive tests.

The man wakes up after the tests in a private room at the hospital, and the phone by his bed rings.

“This is your doctor. We’ve had the results back from your tests and we’ve found you have an extremely nasty virus, which is extremely contagious!”

“Oh my gosh,” cries the man. He’s in a panic now. “What are you going to do, doctor?”

“Well we’re going to put you on a diet of pizzas, pancakes, and pita bread.”

“Will that cure me?” asked the man hopefully.

The doctor replied, “Well no, but … it’s the only food we can get under the door.”