Joke Of The Day

Passing by the primate area one day, a zoo attendant happens to notice a chimpanzee sitting on a rock with an open book in either hand, looking first at one and then at the other. Upon closer examination, he identifies the books: the Bible and Darwin’s Origin of Species.

Curious, he asks the chimp, “What’s with the books?”

The chimp replies, “I’m trying to decide whether I’m my brother’s keeper or my keeper’s brother.”

Why Conservatives Are Called The “Right” And Liberals Are Called The “Left”

I have often wondered why it is that the Conservatives are called the “Right” and the Liberals are called the “Left.”

By chance I stumbled upon this verse in the Bible:

Ecclesiastes 10:2-3 (New International Version)

2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

3 Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense and shows everyone how stupid he is.

And now you know!

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