Glenn Beck Endorses…

Once again, I find myself agreeing with Glenn Beck.

Here is Beck in his own words. He prefaces it by saying that his view is probably wildly unpopular, but Glenn being Glenn really does not care about being part of the “in” crowd:

“I’m endorsing Sarah Palin.”

“My hope is in Sarah Palin. Here’s why. A lot of people will say, oh, she’s too inexperienced. Yep, yep, she doesn’t have a lot of experience in Washington. She doesn’t have a lot of experience in being a community organizer. She doesn’t have a lot of experience in the Senate. She certainly doesn’t have a lot of experience sitting there and playing the Washington game. She may not know the names of every leader in every country. She may not know all of the things that she needs to know right now on absolutely anything that could possibly happen, but she will. She’s a smart woman. I would trust you in the Oval Office more than Barack Obama. I believe in the American people. I would trust a farmer in the office of the President of the United States much more than I would John McCain. I believe in the American people. I don’t believe in the individual. And I believe that there needs to be somebody that is listening to the American people, somebody who isn’t so far removed with academia and lawyering and posturing and political handlers and community organizing groups. We need somebody who is a reflection of you, not a bogus reflection of you that talks about talking to people in diners that have been closed for 15 years and is Joe Six-Pack because he pays $90 one way to get to work on an Amtrak train. That isn’t the subway, Joe. I hate to break it to ya.

Here’s what I want. I don’t need somebody with all of the answers. I don’t need somebody I always agree with. I need somebody with a compass in them that still points north and that northern star that we always have to plot our travels on is the people. Our founding fathers said at the very beginning, We the People. We the People have the power. We the People have the answer. We the People will solve this. You want to get out of this economic crisis? Free the people! And government and a bigger government doesn’t free the people. It enslaves the people. Well, Sarah Palin is part of We the People still. She’s not part of the system, and I pray for her every night. I said to her on the phone privately, “Please, Sarah, run. Run as fast as you can before they destroy you. Please get out of there before they destroy you.” I believe this woman is not going to be destroyed. Out of all the candidates that I see that have a chance — and I’ve looked at Bob Barr. Well, I haven’t looked at Cynthia McKinney but one look and that’s enough. I have looked at the other candidates. I don’t see any of them that have the fire in the belly. I don’t see any of them that actually believe in you, who actually is you, except Sarah Palin. So I’m going to pull the lever for John McCain and let the Lord sort it out. I want somebody that just, whose compass points north. Even though all these candidates think their compass points north, it doesn’t. It’s pointing east and some places it’s pointing south. In Barack Obama it is pointing south. He says that it’s pointing north, it’s to you, but it’s not. It’s to the government, it’s to Washington, it’s to the special interests. John McCain I think points somewhere maybe northeast. It’s in the right direction but it’s not right. Sarah Palin points to you. I’m casting my vote for Sarah Palin.

“USA!” “USA!” “USA!”

I’ve noticed that the crowds at McCain and Palin campaign stops shout “USA! USA!”, but the Democrats shout “0-bamm-a! 0-bamm-a!”. That says a lot to me. What mentality would you rather live under?

Hang in there people and don’t believe the polls, go out and vote and save our great country!

“USA!” “USA!” “USA!”

Wherever you are right now, stop and repeat this mantra: “USA!” “USA!” “USA!” Repeat it to your husband before he leaves for the office. Repeat it as your youngsters are bolting down their Cheerios. Repeat it to your mortgage-strapped neighbours and to the postman. Shout it from the rooftops and tell it to the world!

“USA!” “USA!” “USA!” In a sea of confusion complete with the stark reality of being backstabbed by your own mainstream media. Among all the demoralizing things raining down on your head, the most beautiful words on earth are: “USA!””USA!” “USA!”

Think of the violence of houses with `McCain for President’ being shot up. Think of bespectacled, middle-aged ladies attacked with the stick from a ‘McCain for President’ placard.

Think of the violence expected on Election Day, but wipe it out with the chant, “USA! “ “USA”! “USA!”

It’s 11 days on the last mile to the all-important November 4 election, and do you know where your country is?

It’s about to be hijacked by a would-be tinpot dictator posing as “Your Agent for Change”, loaded with good looks and guile-laced charm.

When you cut through the hype, that’s really all that Barack Hussein Obama is.

Sure it’s confusing with one talking head after another talking at you.

Of course you never thought that the editor down at your local newspaper would anoint himself a self-professed “progressive”. Who would ever dream that this “newsman” would climb right into the tank for Obama, then turn around and tell you it’s all over?

But leaving professionalism far behind them, so many mainstream media types ran after the `Pied Piper of Deceit’. Never strong in the first place, they are people who would sell out on America by choosing the path of least resistance.

Sure it’s demoralizing to know that NBC and MSNBC have joined ACORN and other Leftist groups for something called a “nonpartisan” effort at “Election Protection”.

You betcha!

But on the last mile home, don’t think shallow Katie Couric. Think positive. Think Sarah Palin.

They’re telling you that the current economic meltdown is the fault of Republicans like Senator John McCain.

No. It happened courtesy of the Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid Democrats.

Did you think that an economic meltdown coming mere weeks before Election Day was a coincidence?

Every time a nation gets swallowed up by Socialism/Marxism, economic disorder has come first!

Be like the Marxists and beat them at their own game: Keep your eye on the end game: the voting booth.

Remember the picture of Che Guvera prominently displayed in Obama’s office earlier this year? It was there. It wasn’t your imagination.

Where is Obama right now? In Hawaii. Whether he’s there to visit his ailing Granny or to bury birth certificates doesn’t matter. “The Messiah” waiting for Natural Order has left the arena–11 days before Nov. 4.

Like the sound of carpenters driving nails in your coffin in old Western movies, the hammers ring out in Chicago’s Grant Park for the multi-million dollar victory bash.
That’s how sure Obama is that ACORN has this election in the bag for him.

They’re bragging every day now that it’s over. But nothing’s changed. Obama and his ilk have been fomenting for change down where you couldn’t see them for decades. At the end of the day, they’ll still be down in the basement fomenting for change.

Jump out of the mental state of the endlessly yakking talking heads, saying McCain should be doing this or should be doing that.

This is not the time to second-guess the only antidote to Obama. This is the time to listen to Rush Limbaugh who says, “Don’t ever let anybody demoralize you.”
Why McCain?

Because he gets it. He gets the big picture.

McCain got it right when he said he looked into the eyes of Vladimir Putin and saw “KGB”.

Will the free world see KGB in Obama’s eyes AFTER he’s president?

Obama doesn’t have “the righteous wind” at his back, but the American people always had it.

Don’t let them kid you, it’s not over until the fat lady sings, and this time, you are the fat lady.

Legions of average people are writing to websites like Canada Free Press asking, “How do we stop him?”

It’s simple. The only way for No Obama is to vote for his opponent.

You can send Obama hobbling back to the drawing board and sideline him later where he works in public education with anti-American Bill Ayers.
Yes you can!

Don’t take a chance on future generations on Nov. 4, 2008.

Like El Rushbo says, “This is not the time to give up!”

Obama and his agents of change want to turn the USA over to a Socialist agenda, while you want “USA! “USA!” “USA!”

Go out and get it!

Joke Of The Day

Sarah Palin is invited to meet with the Pope while he is vacationing in Venice.

The liberal press reluctantly watches the semi-private audience, hoping they will be able to allot minimal coverage, if any.

The Pope asks Governor Palin to join him on a Gondola ride through the canals of Venice.

They’re admiring the sights and agreeing on moral issues when, all of a sudden, the Pope’s hat (zucchetto) blows off his head and out into the water.

The gondolier starts to reach for the Pontiff’s cap with his pole, but this move threatens to overturn the floating craft.

Sarah waves the tour guide off, saying, ‘Wait, wait. I’ll take care of this. Don’t worry.’

She steps off the gondola onto the surface of the water and walks out to the Pope’s hat, bends over and picks it up. She walks back across the water to the gondola and steps aboard. She hands the hat to the Pope amid stunned silence.

The next morning the topic of conversation among Democrats in Congress, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, CNN, the New York Times, Hollywood celebrities, and in France and Germany is:
‘Palin Can’t Swim.’

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