Joke Of The Day: The Firing Squad

Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Barack Hussein Obama were set to face a firing squad in Mexico. Sarah Palin was the first one placed against the wall and just before the order was given, she yelled out, “Cyclone!”

The firing squad panicked and Sarah, taking the opportunity, managed to escape.

Mitt Romney was next to be placed against the wall. The squad collected again and Mitt wondered if he could try his luck. So, just before the firing order was given, he shouted, “Twister!”

Again the squad ran helter skelter and Mitt, taking advantage of the situation, gave them the slip.

Now, it was Obama’s turn and he was placed against the wall. He thought to himself, “I can play the same game – I just have to scream out something about a disaster and escape.”

As the guns were raised in his direction, he confidently screamed, “Fire!”

Elderly Patients Are Being ‘Deprived Of Food And Drink So They Die Quicker And Free Up Bed Space’, Claim Doctors

It is happening in the UK but thanks to Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and John Roberts it’s coming to a city near you!

Hospitals may be withholding food and drink from elderly patients so they die quicker to cut costs and save on bad spaces, leading doctors have warned.

Thousands of terminally ill people are placed on a ‘care pathway’ every year to hasten the ends of their lives.

But in a letter to the Daily Telegraph, six doctors who specialise in elderly care said hospitals across the UK could be using the controversial practice to ease the pressure on resources.


Sarah Palin: “Paying at the Pump”

Sarah Palin and Eric Bolling present real solutions to solve our country’s rising energy prices and relieve America’s pain at the pump.

During the climax of Friday’s Fox News’ special Paying At The Pump, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin finally revealed what was being held in Eric Bolling‘s much-ballyhooed top secret manila envelope which held Bolling’s solution to energy prices.

Since March, Bolling has pleaded to President Obama to reach out to him about his ideas for reducing the price of gasoline, even giving out his phone number on the air during Fox & Friends in hopes that the Commander-in-Chief would give him a ring to discuss his “silver bullet” solution.


Mr. President, When Should I Expect Your Call?

Bristol Palin is following the fighting spirit of her famous “Mama” Grizzly!

On her blog, she wrote a very compelling message to the President.

Dear President Obama,

You don’t know my telephone number, but I hope your staff is busy trying to find it. Ever since you called Sandra Fluke after Rush Limbaugh called her a slut, I figured I might be next. You explained to reporters you called her because you were thinking of your two daughters, Malia and Sasha. After all, you didn’t want them to think it was okay for men to treat them that way:

“One of the things I want them to do as they get older is engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on,” you said. “I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way. And I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re being good citizens.”

And I totally agree your kids should be able to speak their minds and engage the culture. I look forward to seeing what good things Malia and Sasha end up doing with their lives.

But here’s why I’m a little surprised my phone hasn’t rung. Your $1,000,000 donor Bill Maher has said reprehensible things about my family. He’s made fun of my brother because of his Down’s Syndrome. He’s said I was “f—-d so hard a baby fell out.” (In a classy move, he did this while his producers put up the cover of my book, which tells about the forgiveness and redemption I’ve found in God after my past – very public — mistakes.)

If Maher talked about Malia and Sasha that way, you’d return his dirty money and the Secret Service would probably have to restrain you. After all, I’ve always felt you understood my plight more than most because your mom was a teenager. That’s why you stood up for me when you were campaigning against Sen. McCain and my mom — you said vicious attacks on me should be off limits.

Yet I wonder if the Presidency has changed you. Now that you’re in office, it seems you’re only willing to defend certain women. You’re only willing to take a moral stand when you know your liberal supporters will stand behind you.

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via Rree Republic…

Palin: Breitbart Is Here

There is a new street art poster that’s being emailed around and will no doubt eventually be spotted on a street corner near you. It’s a gritty black and white image of Andrew Breitbart looking both battle-worn and ever vigilant with the caption: “BREITBART IS HERE.”

Those three words express the instant connection many of us feel for our fallen friend. They express our identification with him, and our need to continue his fight for the good of our republic.

With the death of Breitbart, the conservative movement didn’t just lose a General – we lost an entire Special Forces Division. But he didn’t leave us without the tools and the knowledge we need to fight. This website – Breitbart 2.0 – is the culmination of his study of the technology and aesthetics of new media. The team Breitbart assembled under the leadership of Steve Bannon, Larry Solov, and Joel Pollak will advance his mission with courage and integrity.

Breitbart’s most immediate mission was the belated vetting of Barack Obama. This obviously is an issue very near and dear to my heart.

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