Rottweiler Grieves For Dead Brother

This is a heartbreaking video of a Rottweiler named Brutus appearing to grieve over the body of his dead brother Hank.

Brett Bennett from Seattle said Brutus started ‘crying’ after learning that Hank had passed away during the night.


Rottweiler wakes up to find that his twin Hank had passed during the night and gone to heaven. Brutus does not want to leave him and will not budge, laying on top of his head. Brutus has never whined or cried out in pain the two years I have had him…But clearly you can see in his eyes, he is crying for his brother who had passed as his world around him just crumbled. We both grieve and cry for our brother…This is proof that animals DO have emotions and feel pain just like we do :'( Let the world know animals feel love and pain just like us. Don’t let Hanks passing die in vein with him…Please share our story.

I’m so sorry you guys…I wasn’t strong enough and had a breakdown in front of the dogs. Hank was right by my side with his Therapy Dog service and grieved with me as I was so upset. He looked so sad. I noticed Hank never came out of his grievance and stopped eating. He was still drinking and nibbling on food so I thought he was okay. A week later Brutus and I awoke to his peaceful body next to us as he passed in the night in his sleep. This is about 30 minutes after we woke up and were missing our baby. I normally don’t video record my real life catastrophes or share but decided I needed to send a message to the world and show how much pain my dog was in as he loved his Twin so much :cry:

RIP Hank the Rottweiler Unknown–01-20-15


Rottweiler Grieves For Dead Brother


Joke Of The Day: Media Bias

Rubber Chicken Two boys are playing football in Golden Gate Park when one is attacked by a Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy rips off a board of the nearby fence, wedges it down the dog’s collar and twists, breaking the dog’s neck.

A reporter who is strolling by sees the incident, and rushes over to interview the boy. “A brave New Yorker saves friend from vicious animal”, he starts writing in his notebook.

“But I’m not from New York” the boy replies. “I’m visiting from Kentucky!”

The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes, “Redneck bastard kills family pet”.



80 Seconds Of Ridiculous Rottweiler Puppies

The Rottweiler puppies in this video are as cute as they come.

The Rottweiler has a bad reputation but in my opinion they are the best dogs. There are no bad Rottweiler’s, only bad owners. With proper training they are incredibly fun and loyal dogs that will do anything and everything for their masters. They are great watchdogs and will do everything they possibly can to protect their family.


Rottweiler Facts:

1. Rottweilers are job driven dogs, they love to have a dedicated task and are masters at performing it!
2. Many Rottweilers go on to be police dogs, service dogs, herding dogs, and therapy dogs.
3. Rottweilers have been recognized by the AKC since 1931.



Boston Hero

Two boys in Boston were playing basketball when one of them was attacked by a rabid Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy picked up a board lying nearby, wedged it into the dog’s collar and twisted it, breaking the dog’s neck and thus ending the attack. His friend was saved.

A newspaper reporter from the Boston Globe witnessed the incident and rushed over to interview the boy. Realizing he had less than 20 minutes to get the story entered for the next edition, the reporter began entering the story into his laptop as he did the interview, beginning with the headline:

Brave Young Celtics Fan Saves Friend From Jaws Of Vicious Animal

“But I’m not a Celtics fan,” interjected the little hero, looking over the reporter’s shoulder as he typed.

“Sorry,” replied the reporter, “but since we’re in Boston, I just assumed you were.”

Hitting the delete key, the reporter replaced the head:

John Kerry Supporter Rescues Friend From Horrific Dog Attack

“I don’t like Kerry either,” the boy responds.

“Huh,” the reporter says. “I assumed everybody in this state was either for the Celtics, Kerry or Kennedy. OK, then, what team or person do you like?”

“I’m a Houston Rockets fan and I really like George W. Bush,” the boy says.

Hitting the delete key, the reporter began again:

Arrogant Conservative Bastard Kills Beloved Family Pet


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