A year-long argument was finally settled a few days ago with a conference in the Mayor’s office. The situation involved a double-booking of the Town Hall, with a computer trade show and a Shakespeare appreciation society performance. After hearing talks from both parties, the Mayor and the town’s entertainment committee discussed the matter and decided to let the Shakespeare appreciation society use the hall for their performance.
It just goes to show that “actors speak louder than nerds!”
Once upon a time, an evil king captured a virgin princess and held her captive in his high tower. Though she was very beautiful, he forced her to wear a disgusting and smelly burlap dress.
“You’ll never get away with this,” she cried. “Some brave knight will rescue me!”
“Not in that thing,” the evil king replied.
She waited day and night, but it was just as the king predicted. Every knight that saw her in the window of the high tower was scared away by her dress, which, as I’ve mentioned, was very disgusting.
After many months, the princess broke down crying and the evil king taunted her, “You see? I told you, no knight would rescue a damsel in this dress!”
Paul was a passionate masseur. For years, he pounded, stretched, pulled and relaxed the most burdened, stressed, bent-out-of-shape bodies. Then late one day, rather unexpectedly, he was fired.
Apparently his last client complained that he had rubbed her the wrong way.