Giant Outdoor Escalator Built in Colombian Shanty Town

A huge outdoor escalator has been unveiled in one of the poorest districts of Colombia’s second largest city.

Until now residents of Medellin’s Comuna 13 district have had to climb hundreds of steps to get around the shantytown, which clings to the side of a steep hill. Journey times will be reduced from over half an hour to six minutes.

“It’s wonderful, it’s a dream come true, and I was one of the first to use it,” said one local woman delightedly.

The escalator, 384 metres long, cost the equivalent of just over 5 million euros and is one of several infrastructure projects in the city.

Medellin’s mayor Alonso Salazar said he hoped it would help to improve life in a district known for urban violence.

Officials from Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro are said to be interested in the scheme.


Man Oh Man

When without money, eats wild vegetables at home
When has money, eats same wild vegetables in fine restaurant

When without money, rides bicycle
When has money, rides exercise machine

When without money, walks to earn food
When has money, walks to lose the fat

Man Oh Man! Never fails to deceive thyself!

When without money, wishes to get married
When has money, wishes to get divorced

When without money, wife becomes secretary
When has money, secretary becomes wife

When without money, acts like rich man
When has money, acts like poor man

Man Oh Man! Never means what he says and never says what he means!

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