Joke Of The Day: $10 Is $10

Joke Of The Day: $10 Is $10 Every year they’d attend the county fair and every year Earl would look at Peggy and say, “Look at those planes! I’d love to ride one of those planes..”

And every year Peggy would reply, “Yeah, but it costs $10, and $10 is $10!”

Finally, the year came for Earl’s 75th birthday. They go to the fair and again, Earl exclaims “Look at those planes! I’d love to ride one of those planes..”

To which Peggy again replied, Yeah, but $10 is $10.”

The pilot overheard the exchange and chimed in, “Listen, I’ll give you both a ride, and if you don’t say a word or scream during the entire ride, the ride is free. But if you do, you will owe me $20 for the ride.”

Earl got so excited about his opportunity and both he and Peggy hopped on the plane. The pilot pulled out all the tricks. Barrel roles, loops, corkscrews, everything he could to get some kind of noise, but they were quiet the whole ride.

Finally, they landed and the pilot said, “I can’t believe you two didn’t make a sound!”

Earl said to the pilot, “I was going to say something when Peggy fell out, but $10 is $10.”




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