Joke Of The Day: The Skin Graft

Joke Of The Day: The Skin Graft A married couple was in a terrible accident where the woman’s face was severely burned. The doctor told the husband that they couldn’t graft any skin from her body because she was too skinny. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin.

However, the only skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from his buttocks. The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from, and requested that the doctor also honor their secret. After all, this was a very delicate matter.

After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the woman’s new beauty. She looked more beautiful than she ever had before! All her friends and relatives just went on and on about her youthful beauty!

One day, she was alone with her husband, and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice. She said, ‘Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me. There is no way I could ever repay you.’

‘My darling,’ he replied, ‘I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother kiss you on the cheek.





Engagement Piercings

Millennials are piercing their fingers instead of wearing engagement rings

There’s a new trend in engagement rings catching on.

Instead of the usual ring, some people are just getting diamonds embedded into their ring fingers.

“We notice lately a lot of people coming looking for that,” Sam Abbas, the owner of NYC Ink Studio, said.

This trend has mostly been seen among millennials.

“I think it looks nice but if you really think what it’s doing to the body, scarring I mean, so many complications that can happen from it,” Cynthia Rivas, a millennial, said.

Abbas says there could be problems if people don’t take care of their piercings. They are supposed to be cleaned 2-3 times a day.

“You’re dealing with the blood, so you have to be very very safe. What we do is sterilize everything,” Abbas says.

Dermatologist Dr. Monica Halem says “First of all, these procedures are not being done by a doctor and it is a surgical procedure. There are a lot of important structures that sit under the skin that can be damaged like tendons.”

There is also the danger of the diamond snagging.



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