Joke Of The Day: Buying Cat Food

Joke Of The Day: Buying Cat Food An old lady is shopping in a supermarket. She comes up to the cashier with six cans of cat food. “I’m sorry,” says the cashier, “I can’t sell you cat food unless you can prove to me that you own a cat.”

“Why?” says the old lady.

“Our manager heard that old people are buying cat food and eating it themselves, and he finds that unacceptable.”

“That’s ridiculous, I have to make an extra trip?” says the old lady. But she goes home and gets her cat, brings it back to the store, and they sell her the cat food.

A few days later, she comes back to the store and comes up to the cashier with a big box of dog biscuits.

“I’m sorry, I can’t sell you those unless you prove to me that you have a dog.”

“Ridiculous, I have to make an extra trip again?” But she goes home and gets her dog, brings it back to the store, and they sell her the dog biscuits.

A few days later, the old lady comes back to the store carrying a small box, and approaches the same cashier.

“What’s in the box?” the cashier asks.

“Stick your finger in this hole and find out.”

“Oh no, you’ve got a snake or something that will bite me or scratch me in there!”

“No, there’s nothing alive in it,” says the old lady.

So the cashier sticks a finger in the hole, feels something soft, takes the finger out and says “Ew! That smells like poo!”

“It is poo!” says the old lady. “Now can I buy some toilet paper?”





Joke Of The Day: The Lawyer’s Son

Joke Of The Day: The Lawyer's Son The lawyer’s son wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps, so he went to law school and graduated with honors. Then he went home to join his father’s firm.

At the end of his first day at work, he rushed into his father’s office and said, “Father, father! In one day, I broke the Smith case that you’ve been working on for so long!”

His father yelled, “You idiot! We’ve been living on the funding of that case for ten years!”





Joke Of The Day: Cymbal Clash

Joke Of The Day: Cymbal Clash During rehearsal, the high school Music Director was beside himself. The cymbal player in the band was constantly coming in at the wrong time with his cymbal clash. The young man maintained that his entry point gave a much better effect and that he wouldn’t play it as written. When the Music Director was asked by the Principal why he fired the young musician from the band, he replied,

“It was a simple case of cymbal disobedience.”





Joke Of The Day: Guess Your Age

Joke Of The Day: Guess Your Age Three elderly women were sitting together on a park bench when an elderly man started to walk by. “Excuse me, but we can guess your age,” one of them said to him.

He stopped, intrigued. “How can you guess my age?” he asked them.

“Well,” one lady explained, “you’ll have to drop your pants and your underwear.”

A little embarrassed but still intrigued, he unzips his pants and drops his trousers and his boxers. “Now turn around,” one says, so he complies, rotating full 360 degrees. “Now jump up and down 3 times.”. He complies. “You’re 87!” all three women exclaim at the same time.

Perplexed and amazed at their correct answer, he gasps, “how could you know that?!”

“Simple,” one says. “We were at your birthday party yesterday.”





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