Joke Of The Day: A Black and a White Cow

Joke Of The Day: A Black and a White Cow So a farmer asks a friend to come over to his place to help him fix his generator.

They work for a while, and two cows come walking through the pasture beside the barn. The friend looks over and says, “Wow. Those are some fine looking animals. Where do they sleep?”

And the farmer says, “The black one or the white one?”

And the friend says, “Uh, I dont know. The black one.”

Farmer: “Oh, she sleeps in the barn.”

Friend: “OK, where does the white one sleep?”

Farmer: “Oh, she sleeps in the barn too.”

The friend looks confused and then says, “What do you feed them cows?”

Farmer: “The black one or the white one?”

Friend: “The white one.”

Farmer: “Hay.”

Friend: “And the black one?”

Farmer: “Hay.”

Friend: “What are you talking about, Carl? Why do you keep asking me whether I’m talking about the white cow or the black cow??”

Farmer: “Oh. It’s because I own the black cow.”

Friend: “Who owns the white one?”

Farmer: “I do.”





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