Joke Of The Day: The King’s Physician

Joke Of The Day: The King's Physician A member of the faculty in a London medical college was appointed an honorary physician to the king. He proudly wrote a notice on the blackboard in his classroom:

“Professor Jennings informs his students that he has been appointed honorary physician to His Majesty, King George.”

When he returned to the class-room in the afternoon, he found written below his note:

“God save the King.”





Joke Of The Day: Eaten By A Tiger

Joke Of The Day: Eaten By A Tiger A man jumps the fence into a tiger enclosure, saying God would protect him.
He is quickly eaten and finds himself at the pearly gates before God.
“Why did you not protect me from the tigers?” the man asks.
“I tried to,” God replies. “What did you think the fence was for?”





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