Jokes Joke Of The Day: A New Hearing Aid January 23, 2025December 23, 2024 gags A man was telling his neighbor in the senior living facility, “I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me nine thousand dollars, but it’s state of the art. It’s perfect.” “Really,” answered the neighbor, “What kind is it?” “Twelve thirty.”
Jokes Joke Of The Day: A Deck of Cards January 22, 2025December 22, 2024 gags Q: Why is love like a deck of cards? A: It starts with hearts and diamonds but ends with clubs and spades.
Jokes Joke Of The Day: Teens January 21, 2025December 21, 2024 gags My grandfather died tragically as a teenager. He was 114.
Jokes Joke Of The Day: Married Women January 20, 2025December 20, 2024 gags Why are married women heavier than single women? Single women come home, see what’s in the fridge, and go to bed. Married women come home, see what’s in bed and go to the fridge.
Jokes Joke Of The Day: Sherlock Holmes and the Cat Owner January 19, 2025December 19, 2024 gags Sherlock Holmes and Watson are walking around London when a cat jumps on Watson and pees on him. “Oh bloody hell” says an upset Watson, “my shirt is ruined” “Well, you got to take it up with the owner”, says Sherlock calmly. “I’ve no clue who the owner is!” shouts Watson, still angry. “Well, my dear Watson”, says Sherlock, “You are pissed on and pissed off at the same time, it’s Schrödinger’s cat”.