Global Warming Idiots Sign Petition To Lower The Temperature Of The Sun
The lights are on but nobody’s home!
Climate change fanatics (they call it “climate change” now ’cause that whole “global warming” thing didn’t work out too well for them) protesting in front of the White House earlier this month were asked to sign a (bogus) petition to, among other things, lower the temperature of the sun.
Eleven people were clinging precariously to a wildly swinging rope suspended from a crumbling outcropping on Mount Everest. Ten were Obama Voters, one was a Conservative.
As a group, they decided that one of the party should let go. Otherwise, the rope would break and everyone would perish.
For an agonizing few moments no one volunteered.
Finally, the Conservative gave a truly touching speech, saying he would sacrifice himself to save the lives of the others.
Tornado Alley is located in the Plains states from the Dakotas to Texas.(Photo: Storm Prediction Center)
Just when you think you’ve heard everything, some Liberal proves you wrong! 1,000 feet high walls in the mid west of the US? At least move them to the southern border!
Forget the Great Wall of China. How about the Great Wall of … Kansas?
One scientist thinks we can protect parts of the central USA from ferocious tornadoes by building several gigantic walls across Tornado Alley:
“If we build three east-west great walls in the American Midwest …. one in North Dakota, one along the border between Kansas and Oklahoma to the east, and the third one in south Texas and Louisiana, we will diminish the tornado threats in the Tornado Alley forever,” according to physicist Rongjia Tao of Temple University.
The walls would need to be about 1,000 feet high and 150 feet wide, he said.
ROTFLMAO. When the enviro-leftists start talking about spending money building infrastructure in anticipation of the effects of global warming, think of this story. Please don’t overlook the opportunity for advertising revenue with billboards adorning the sides of the walls. Laugh away, but don’t you just love the (bird-slaughtering)amber waves of windmills criss-crossing the fruited plains of America? Freaking oil wells in the frozen tundra of Alaska piss me off.