Living with Wolves

Werner Freund Wolves

79-year-old Werner Freund has a unique gift. The ex-paratrooper and now wolf-researcher from Germany can get along with wolves so well, it’s almost like he’s a member of their pack. In fact, it’s been 40 long years since he started living among wolves and rearing them from pups at his ‘Wolfspark’ sanctuary , located in Merzig, in the German province of Saarland. The close relationship between Werner and his wolves is quite obvious from pictures of him leaning back on his haunches and howling, and of the wild beasts eating meat straight from his mouth.

Wolves are generally a feared species; come into close quarters and your chances of making it out alive are quite slim. But things are different in the case of Werner. It’s like they’ve accepted him as one of their own. When Werner is around, his wolves are actually playful, docile and submissive towards him. Perhaps it’s because he’s successfully asserted his dominance as the alpha male in the pack. The park is inhabited by wolves from six different packs around the world, including Siberian, Arctic, Canadian, European and Mongolian ones. They were mostly acquired as cubs from animal parks or zoos and hand-reared by Werner.

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The History of Political Correctness

Video Description:

The origins of “Political Correctness” or “Cultural Marxism” can be found in the early parts of the 20th century from the Frankfurt School, which was the headquarters for the Communists scheming in Germany. Max Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Lowenthal, and Erich Fromm were all there.

“The role of the Frankfurt School is creating the victim groups that constitutes the politically correct coalition.”

200 Giant Spiders, Termites, Snakes and a Gecko Feast on Man

I’m gonna have nightmares after reading the article. Well I didn’t plan on sleeping tonight anyway!

A MAN was found dead in his apartment draped in spider webs and more than 200 spiders, several snakes, thousands of termites, and a gecko were feasting on his corpse.

Mark Voegel, 30, was found dead in Dortmund, Germany.

Authorities were alerted when concerned neighbours noticed a horrendous stench emanating from the apartment.
His black widow, Bettina, is believed to have administered the deadly bite.

Voeger’s apartment has been described as both a “zoo” and a “jungle” by authorities. He never let people visit.

A police spokesman said, according to the Sun: “It was like a horror movie. His corpse was over the sofa. Giant webs draped him, spiders were all over him.

They were coming out of his nose and his mouth. There was everything there one could imagine in the world of reptiles. Larger pieces of flesh torn off by the lizards were scooped up and taken back to the webs of tarantulas and other bird-eating spiders.”

The spiders and termites managed to escape when the heating elements exploded and opened the lids to their tanks.
The lizards were allowed to roam.

Voegel also kept a pet boa constricter and several poisonous frogs.

He was dead for somewhere between seven and fourteen days when his corpse was found, enough time for the creepy-crawlies to make a new home out of his apartment.


Reminds me of this:

Joke Of The Day

Letter to Dad by An Arab Sheikh student:

Dear Dad,

Berlin is a wonderful city, Germans are nice and I really like it here, but Dad, I am bit ashamed to arrive to my college with my Gold Mercedes, when all them my professors travel by train.

Your Son


Response by the Arab Sheikh Dad:

Loving son,

I just transferred Twenty Five Million Dollars to your Bank account, please stop embarrassing our family, go and get yourself a train too.

Your Dad

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