Joke Of The Day: A Grave Situation

Joke Of The Day: A Grave Situation A man in a French village runs up to his local priest exclaiming ‘Father! I just witnessed a man having sex with a dead woman in a field!”

The priest is shocked but responds with ‘That is a grave situation my son, I shall investigate immediately!’. The priest hurried to the nearby field, where he could clearly see one of the local men having sex with what seemed to be a corpse.

Mortified at this, but not having the courage to intervene himself, he hurries to the local policeman. The officer is shocked to hear of such a thing happening in his village and rushes off to the scene of the crime.

He returns within ten minutes with a grin on his face.

“No need to worry Father” he proclaims, “The woman is not dead, just British!”





Random Riddle: Sally’s French

Sally has four classes, Science, Math, English Language Arts, and History. She had a test in every class, and wanted to have some fun, so she did all of her tests in French. When she received her tests back, only one teacher could understand her work. If none of Sally’s teachers spoke French, which teacher was able to understand the test and how did they understand it?
Random Riddle: Sally's French



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