Bill Clinton Named Father Of The Year

Bill Clinton and Monica

Bill Clinton named father of the year? Could Husband of the Year be far behind?

He’s been commander in chief, Time magazine’s 1993 man of the year, had hopes of becoming “First Laddie” of the United States and now former U.S. President Bill Clinton is in line for a new title – Father of the Year.

The non-profit National Father’s Day Council plans to award him that honor at a New York fundraiser for Save the Children on Tuesday.

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Joke Of The Day: Numbers

Rubber ChickenThe teacher asked little Johnny if he knows his numbers.

“Yes,” he said. “I do. My father taught me.”

“Good. What comes after three.”

“Four,” answers the boy.

“What comes after six?” “Seven.”

“Very good,” says the teacher. “Your dad did a good job. What comes after ten?”

“A Jack.”



Joke Of The Day: The Lottery

Rubber ChickenAn old man and his son had a one-horse farm where they barely made a living. Then, one day, the son hit the lottery and won $50,000.

The young man rushed into town, collected his money, then hurried back home. He ran across the field, told his father the news, and handed the older man a $50 bill.

The father looked at the money for a moment and then said, “Son, you know I’ve always been careful with what little money we had. I didn’t spend it on whiskey or women. In fact, I couldn’t even afford the license to legally marry your Ma.”

“Pa!” the young man stammered, “do you know what that makes me?”

“Yep,” said the old man fingering the $50, “… and a cheap one, too.



Father Sculpts Giant Clay Head of His Daughter

Indonesian artist Eddi Prabandono has created a giant clay sculpture modeled after the head of his 5-year-old daughter, Luz.

Tourists walking through Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, will be surprised to see a 4 meter by 4 meter child’s head made of clay, in a 2,5 meters-deep hole in the ground. It’s not exactly the kind of sight you normally see in Indonesia, but it’s definitely breathtaking to look at. Part of the “Luz Series” envisioned by Indonesian artist Eddi Prabandono, the giant head in question is actually modeled after the head of his daughter, Luz.

Although he had the help of 15 workers, Eddi also needed to rent an excavator to make the hole for his giant clay sculpture, but the 47-year-old artist is just happy he received the support of local authorities who allowed him to dig a hole right in Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. Luz’s giant head is made of 25 tons of special clay and was created for the 2011 edition of Jog Art, and artistic exhibition featuring 241 artworks by over 150 artists.

Asked about the meaning of his sculpture, Eddi Prabandono said it signifies the weight of the future our children have to face, judging by the troubles we face today (economical crisis, tsunamis, nuclear disasters, etc.).


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