Donald Trump Invites Grieving Parents On Stage During Rally

An emotional moment in Hershey, PA.

Donald Trump stopped in the middle of his rally to let a grieving mother speak. She then tells the crowd how to ‘Honor’ her son.

The parents of Hugh “Riley” Rone took the stage at Trump event to speak about their deceased son’s support of the Republican nominee for president. Rone was killed in a motorcycle accident on the Garden State Parkway on May 31, 2016. The Rones are natives of South Amboy, NJ.

“These are incredible people,” Trump said as he called for the parents to join him on the stage. “Their son recently passed away in a horrible accident. He was the biggest supporter I had. Young guy. Beautiful guy. The most popular person there was. And he was just very special.”

“As much as some of you like Trump, I like you more than you like me if you want to know the truth. This boy was our biggest fan. He loved our country, believe me. He loved our country,” Trump told the rally-goers.

“Say a few words about our boy, okay,” Trump said as he embraced the mother of Riley Rone.

Read his obituary here.

Barbara Zawistowski Rone, Riley’s mother, was invited on stage by Trump at a rally in Hershey, Penn. Friday night and gave an extremely moving and impassioned endorsement of the candidate in her son’s honor. Rone also spoke about how her son campaigned for Trump and of his attempts to convert friends to support the candidate.

“When there were 17, he said Mr. Trump is the nominee. When there was one nominee, Mr. Trump, Riley said Mr. Trump would be president,” Riley’s mother said.

“In Riley’s obituary, Mr. Trump was mentioned because Riley loved or loves Mr. Trump. His funeral was over 200 cars, he had very dedicated friends, there were signs, flags for Mr. Trump. Riley’s grave marker has Mr. Trump name on it and the Statue of Liberty because he loves America,” Mrs. Rone shared.

Rone’s mother noted a motorcycle group has pledged to donate a brick to the The Wall, if it gets built, in honor of her son. She also spoke about an emotional phone call she had with Trump where he said he would trade millions he owned if she could have her son back.

His friend wrote Trump a letter to get his attention, and it worked.

Barbara Zawistowski Rone:

When Mr. Trump received the letter, he wrote us a very personal letter regarding family and Riley. We never expected to hear from Mr. Trump, we don’t know Mr. Trump, he does not know us. He does now.

Within weeks of the letter, we received a phone call from his office asking would we take a phone call from Mr. Trump. We were watching FOX News and Mr. Trump was in Florida. He was sweating profusely in an airport hangar complaining of 114 degree weather. We watched him leave the stage, and within minutes our phone rang. It was Mr. Trump. He is amazing. He spent a good amount of time on the phone and it was very personal, I will not share what said, but I will share that Mr. Trump said that if it costs millions, he would give everything he owned if it would bring my Riley back.

What kind of man is this? What kind of man who is running for the highest office in our land, the president of the United States– he takes out the time from his campaign to call us…

Now, all you mothers out there, I want you to put yourself in our shoes for one minute. You fathers, too. I want you to please, please vote for Mr. Donald Trump in my son’s honor.



Trump Assassination Attempt In Reno Was Pre-Planned To Make Trump Supporters Violent

Fearless – This is the face of a man who will never back down.

What happened last night was pre-planned to make Trump look like the bad guy and Trump supporters violent, but it backfired.

Here’s why:
In the video below you can see the journalists go along with the narrative they were given by the Clinton campaign, they were ready to make this story into “Trump supporters BRUTALLY ASSAULT protester at Nevada rally”; they had their prepared lines, “Trump incites violence” “This is all his fault” etc.

What they didn’t count on were two things:

1 – Somebody shouting “GUN!” and Trump being rushed off stage by the SS, which made everything look like an assassination attempt more than anything else.

2 – Trump supporters keeping the slimey CNN cameraman from getting close to the action as seen here so he was unable to get good shots of the man being hit by supporters/police, which was supposed to make him look like the victim (despite Wikileaks proof of him working for the DNC).

The original script was ruined by these two occurrences, that’s why the journalists’ narration of the incident sounds so contrived and counter-intuitive.

The videos were supposed to paint Trump as the culprit, instead they show Trump as the victim of an assassination attempt. Never mind the guy didn’t have a gun, that’s irrelevant: when people see the images from what happened it looks 100% like a genuine assassination attempt, no amount of talk from the journalists can change that.

This was supposed to be the last big hit on Trump, instead he came off looking once again like Donald Reagan, and the MSM as complete liars. Thanks KeK, crisis averted.

Edit: I meant Ronald Reagan, not Donald Reagan. Freudian slip? :D

Keep this in mind. Trump continued the rally after a credible assassination attempt. Hillary cut her rally to 7 minutes because of RAIN.


Joke Of The Day: Win Back The Deplorables

Rubber Chicken Hillary Clinton called Bill Clinton into her office one day and said, “Bill, I have a plan to win back Middle America in 2016!”

“Great Hillary, but how?” asked Bill.

“We’ll get some cheesy clothes and shoes, like most Middle Class Americans wear, then stop at the pound and pick up a Labrador retriever. Then, we’ll go to a nice old country bar in Montana and show them how much admiration and respect we have for the hard-working people living there.”

So they did, and found just the place they were looking for in Bozeman, Montana. With the dog in tow, they walked inside and stepped up to the bar.

The Bartender took a step back and said, “Hey! Aren’t you Bill and Hillary Clinton?”

“Yes we are!” said Hillary, “And what a lovely town you have here. We were passing through and Bill suggested we stop and take in some local color.”

They ordered a round of bourbon for the whole bar, and started chatting up a storm with anyone who would listen.

A few minutes later, a grizzled old rancher came in, Walked up to the Labrador, lifted up its tail, looked underneath, Shrugged his shoulders and walked out. A few moments later, In came another old rancher. He walked up to the dog, Lifted up its tail, looked underneath, scratched his head And left the bar.

For the next hour, another dozen ranchers came in, lifted the dog’s tail, and left shaking their heads.

Finally, Hillary asked, “Why did all those old ranchers come in and look under the dog’s tail? Is it some sort of custom?”

“Lord no,” said the bartender. “Someone’s out there running around town, claiming there’s a Labrador Retriever In here with two assholes!”




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