How To Of The Day: How To Cook A Perfect Fried Egg

Nick Gavin shows you how to make a perfect looking fried egg with this simple technique.


There are a lot of approaches to cooking a good fried egg, but this method will make your egg look so good, you’ll think it came right out of a cartoon.

This video from the ChefSteps YouTube channel demonstrates how to cook an egg with no runny egg white or yolk, no crunchy edges, and the visual appeal of an egg right out of a Pixar movie. The trick is using a non-stick pan, a little butter, and cooking it on the lowest heat possible. You should be able to touch the pan quickly without it hurting you. Frying eggs this way is great for any meal where you’re using an egg to top something off or garnish a meal. Of course, not only will your fried egg look good, but it will taste delicious too.


How To Cook A Perfect Looking Fried Egg
Perfect Fried Egg


The Big Egg

The Big Egg

A Hen laid a giant egg with something pretty strange inside.


“The big egg has another egg in it!”

That surprised reaction by a man when he cracked open an oversized egg from one of his hens has garnered plenty of skepticism. Whether the video is real or fake is uncertain, but the possibility of it happening is definitely plausible.

While extremely rare, a hen can lay an egg within an egg: It is caused by a counter-peristalsis contraction. This happens when an egg is forming in the hen’s oviduct and another oocyte is released too soon, causing a contraction that pushes the first egg back up.

Typically, a hen releases an oocyte (the egg cell that becomes the yolk) from her left ovary every 16 to 26 hours, according to Backyard Poultry Magazine. The oocyte then travels through the oviduct, where layers of membranes and albumen are added along the way.

However, if a second oocyte is released too early, the first oocyte (now in the hen’s uterus) gets sucked back inside by a contraction induced by the second egg. The counter-peristalsis contraction pushes it backwards to where it gets embedded inside egg number two.

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How To Of The Day: Boil An Egg Without The Gray Ring

How to Boil an Egg without the gray ring

How to Boil an Egg without the gray ring

1) Grab your eggs (I’m using large eggs), and a pot. Pretty easy start, right?
2) Put the eggs in the pot and cover them with water, only about an inch overhead.
3) Put them on the stove and turn it on medium high heat.

Now this is where you NEED to pay attention.

4) As SOON as that water starts to boil (and I mean boil, not just a few bubble here and there), turn the stove off.
5) Set the timer for 10 minutes.
6) When the timer goes off, remove the eggs from the pot and put them in cold water. (Sometimes I put them in an ice bath, but I haven’t found that it really matters either way)
7) Let them sit for about 5 minutes and then dig in.

Of course, if you don’t want them right away, just store them in the fridge, but try to use them within a few days as they go bad faster than uncooked eggs.



Easter Egg Art

Easter Egg Art 1

Artist Barak Hardley creates some amazing Easter egg art using some of your favorite characters and celebrities!

Los Angeles-based actor and artist Barak Hardley exhibits some of the incredible pop culture Easter egg artwork he has created this year.


Easter Egg Art 2

Easter Egg Art 3

Joke Of The Day: Soft-Boiled Eggs And Toast

Rubber Chicken She was standing in the kitchen, preparing our usual soft-boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, wearing only The T-shirt that she normally slept in.

As I walked in, almost awake, she turned to me and said softly, “You’ve got to make love to me this very moment!”

My eyes lit up and I thought, “I am either still dreaming or this is going to be my lucky day!” Not wanting to lose the moment, I embraced her and then gave it my all right there on the kitchen table.

Afterwards she said, “Thanks,” and returned to the stove, her T-shirt still around her neck.

Happy, but a little puzzled, I asked, “What was that all about?”

She explained, “The egg timer’s broken.”



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