Quotes Confucius Say: A Cat And A Lie April 21, 2015February 5, 2015 gags One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.
Jokes Joke Of The Day: John Wayne And Jack Daniels April 16, 2015February 1, 2015 gags Q: What’s the difference between John Wayne and Jack Daniels? A: Jack Daniels is still killing indians.
Political Confucius Say: A Politician And A Snail March 24, 2015January 10, 2015 gags The difference between a politician and a snail is that a snail leaves its slime behind.
Jokes Joke Of The Day: A Sniper And An Owl March 4, 2015December 15, 2014 gags Q: What’s the difference between a sniper with bad eyesight and a constipated owl? A: One shoots but can’t hit, the other hoots but can’t sh…