Confucius Say Funny Confucius Say: Feeling Sad May 17, 2016February 25, 2016 gags Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world there’s an idiot pulling a door that says “push”.
Confucius Say Confucius Say: Advice May 16, 2016February 23, 2016 gags Advice is what you ask when you already know the answer but wished you didn’t.
Confucius Say Quotes Confucius Say: Triumph Of Evil May 15, 2016February 23, 2016 gags The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Confucius Say Confucius Say: Inner Wisdom May 14, 2016February 22, 2016 gags We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
Confucius Say Funny Jokes Confucius Say: Dalmatians May 13, 2016February 21, 2016 gags Dalmatians can’t play hide and seek, because they are always spotted.