Confucius Say Funny Jokes Confucius Say: Camouflage Condoms May 27, 2016March 6, 2016 gags Always wear camouflage condoms: They won’t see you coming.
Confucius Say Confucius Say: Silence May 26, 2016March 5, 2016 gags Silence is the best response to a fool!
Confucius Say Jokes Confucius Say: ATM May 25, 2016March 4, 2016 gags Why do they have braille on drive-thru ATMs?
Confucius Say Funny Jokes Confucius Say: Money And Happiness May 24, 2016March 3, 2016 gags Money doesn’t always bring happiness. People with ten million dollars are no happier than people with nine million dollars.
Confucius Say Quotes Confucius Say: What is Written May 23, 2016March 2, 2016 gags What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.