Confucius Say Jokes Quotes Confucius Say: Jokes June 1, 2016March 11, 2016 gags I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
Confucius Say Confucius Say: Number One May 31, 2016March 10, 2016 gags He who thinks only of number one, must remember, it is next to nothing.
Confucius Say Funny Confucius Say: Anger Management May 30, 2016March 9, 2016 gags I wouldn’t have to manage my anger if people could manage their stupidity.
Confucius Say Confucius Say: Alcohol May 29, 2016March 8, 2016 gags Alcohol is the cause of some problems and the solution to others.
Confucius Say Funny Jokes Confucius Say: Kindness May 28, 2016March 7, 2016 gags No matter how kind you are, German kids are kinder.