Arkansas Mom Destroys Common Core In 4 Minutes

Arkansas Mom Destroys Common Core In 4 Minutes

We need more people like Karen Lamoreaux to speak the truth. Common Core is nothing more than Social Engineering.

Hopefully this video will wake some people up.

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An ordinary mother of three eviscerated Common Core state standards in her powerful four-minute testimony before the Arkansas Board of Education Monday.

The testimony comes in the wake of major protests against the uniform guidelines. The mom, a member of Arkansas Against Common Core, and identified as Karen Lamoreaux, testified that rather than “a set of rigorous, college-ready international benchmark standards” that the Common Core initiative was touted to be, it tends to dumb down math solutions by, ironically, overcomplicating them.

As an example, she gave the board a simple fourth-grade division problem, which Common Core requires students to use 108 steps to solve.


“The academia-jet set coalition is attempting to tame the American character by the deliberate breeding of helplessness and resignation—in those incubators of lethargy known as “Progressive” schools, which are dedicated to the task of crippling a child’s mind by arresting his cognitive development.” ~ Ayn Rand


Joke Of The Day: Carrying A Child

Rubber Chicken A mother carefully explained to her young daughter how children were created. She used the expression “carrying a child” instead of “pregnant,” but the girl seemed satisfied.

Sometime later, a terrible fire broke out in the neighborhood, and the girl stood by watching. Here is how she described the scene to her parents: “There was this big fire, and a fireman ran into the house, and when he came out, he was pregnant.”



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