Letters from Peter: Trials, Tribulations, and Truth in Our Times

Explore how the spirit of ancient persecution lives on in modern lawfare, as seen through the apostolic lens of Peter’s reflections.

Beloved, as I sit to share this epistle with you, compelled by the Spirit and with a heart burdened for truth and justice, my thoughts turn to the recent tribulations endured by a figure known among you, Donald Trump. Much like in the days of old, where powers and principalities sought to ensnare and persecute the faithful through cunning, craft, and legal machinations, we see a striking parallel in your time—a method now termed “lawfare” by many. It becomes evident that this battle is not merely against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world.

In the times of the early church, as recounted in the Acts of the Apostles and in the many Letters to the faithful, we faced tribulations, persecutions, and trials from those who wielded the law as a weapon—not for justice but as a means to suppress, to silence, and to punish those whose only crime was to stand firm in their convictions and to speak truth to power. This shadow, cast long and deep across the centuries, now finds its mark upon a man, and indeed upon many who have dared to challenge the prevailing currents of their time.

The term “lawfare,” a portmanteau of “law” and “warfare,” aptly describes the strategic practice of using legal systems and institutions to achieve a competitive advantage, to delegitimize opponents, or to achieve a political agenda. This is not the righteous use of law, which is to uphold justice, to protect the innocent, and to punish the guilty. Rather, it is emblematic of a Washington Cabal—those entrenched powers and elite, who, much like the Pharisees and Sadducees of old, find their authority threatened by any who dare to speak against them or to propose a dismantling of the status quo that benefits them so richly.

Donald Trump, much like David facing Goliath, finds himself besieged by an array of legal challenges and investigations, each purporting to be in the pursuit of justice but, upon closer examination, reveals a more insidious aim: to persecute and to wear down through a relentless barrage of legal battles. It is not my place to render judgment upon the innocence or guilt of a man, for that is for the Lord Almighty and the courts of your land to decide. However, it is essential, dear friends, to discern the spirit in which these actions are undertaken. Are they genuinely in pursuit of truth and justice, or are they a manifestation of a deeper struggle, a spiritual warfare played out upon the stage of your nation’s politics and legal systems?

Let us therefore, as followers of the Way, be ever mindful of the admonition to “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Let us stand firm in the truth, girded with righteousness, and carrying the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Let us pray for those in authority, for those who are persecuted, and for the heart of your nation, that it may seek justice truly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

In closing, remember the words of our Lord, who said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” May His peace and His strength be with you always, in these trying times and beyond.

Your servant in Christ,


The Elitist Cabal Unveiled: Dark Secrets of the 2020 Election Heist

In the annals of history, the 2020 United States presidential election has been etched in dark ink, shrouded in mystery and controversy. As the nation stood divided, whispers of an elusive and powerful elitist cabal emerged, fueling speculations of a grand heist designed to seize control of the nation's highest office.

In the annals of history, the 2020 United States presidential election has been etched in dark ink, shrouded in mystery and controversy. As the nation stood divided, whispers of an elusive and powerful elitist cabal emerged, fueling speculations of a grand heist designed to seize control of the nation’s highest office. This article examines the methods employed by the secret cabal to orchestrate their brazen coup.

The Prelude to Power

The rise of the cabal traces back to decades of covert influence and manipulation. Their ranks comprise powerful figures from the political, corporate, and financial spheres, driven by a shared desire to maintain dominion over the levers of power. Uniting under a sinister agenda, they schemed to undermine our Republic, choosing the 2020 election as their battlefield.

The Deep State’s Grip

Central to the cabal’s strategy was the FBI’s sinister hand in the dissemination of misinformation. The Deep State, an elusive network of powerful individuals within the government and intelligence agencies, played a pivotal role in executing the cabal’s audacious plans. Leveraging their connections, they planted moles and informants to influence electoral processes at every level, ensuring their control remained undetected.

Mastering the Art of Misinformation: The FBI’s Dark Influence on Social Media

Under the cloak of national security concerns, the FBI colluded with major social media platforms and the Mainstream Media to suppress any information that could damage the Biden campaign. This secret effort effectively muzzled opposing narratives and shielded the public from accessing dissenting voices. By painting these actions as necessary measures to prevent misinformation, the cabal concealed their true intent—to silence those who dared to question their chosen candidate.

Employing sophisticated algorithms, the FBI, in conjunction with tech giants, manipulated the information presented to users on social media platforms. By carefully curating trending topics and controlling the visibility of certain posts, they strategically buried content that could be detrimental to the Biden campaign. In doing so, they skillfully diverted public discourse away from critical issues, allowing their preferred narrative to flourish unchallenged.

The cabal’s reach extended beyond technological control, as they deployed the FBI to intimidate and suppress independent journalists and whistleblowers. Through covert surveillance and legal threats, they sought to silence those who dared to expose the truth behind the Biden campaign’s potential misdeeds. In this way, they discouraged any would-be truth-seekers from speaking out, ensuring their secrets remained tightly sealed.

To further perpetuate their web of deception, the FBI partnered with fact-checking organizations known for their bias towards the establishment. Under the guise of combating fake news, these organizations functioned as mere extensions of the cabal’s propaganda machine. Fact-checks that questioned the Biden campaign were conveniently dismissed or discredited, while any narratives aligned with their agenda were given an air of legitimacy.

One of the most egregious examples of this manipulation was the suppression of the Hunter Biden scandal. With credible evidence of potential corruption and ethical misconduct surrounding the former Vice President’s son, the FBI acted swiftly to censor and downplay any news pertaining to the matter. By blocking the dissemination of this sensitive information, the cabal safeguarded the Biden campaign from potential public backlash.

Technological Warfare and the Mail-In Ballot Scheme

The cabal’s arsenal was fortified with cutting-edge technology, enabling them to exploit vulnerabilities in electronic voting systems. Through malicious hacking and manipulation, they altered voter data, engineered vote discrepancies, and even interfered with voting machines, tilting the scales in their favor.

The introduction of widespread mail-in voting during the pandemic provided the perfect smokescreen for the cabal’s ultimate coup de grâce. They purposely exploited the chaos and uncertainties caused by COVID-19 to introduce mail-in voting on an unprecedented scale. With this method, they exercised their control behind the scenes, manipulating and discarding ballots as per their agenda.

Suppressing the Masses

The cabal understood that outright control of the election mechanisms alone wouldn’t suffice. To secure their sinister objective, they orchestrated a widespread campaign of voter suppression. Targeting specific demographics, they disenfranchised thousands, ensuring that the votes unfavorable to their agenda were nullified before they could make an impact.

Final Thoughts

As the dark shadows of the elitist cabal’s evil machinations continue to cast a haunting chill over the nation, the very foundation of our Republic seems to quiver beneath the weight of suspicion. While we may be tempted to dismiss this narrative as pure fiction, the chilling reality remains—the darkest corners of power often elude our scrutiny, allowing insidious forces to shape our destinies from the shadows.

The 2020 election stands as a testament to the fragility of our institutions. The allure of power and the sinister motives of an elusive cabal serve as a stark reminder that those who hold the reins of influence can bend the course of history to suit their malevolent desires.

While some may choose to dismiss these dark whispers as mere conspiracy, history is rife with accounts of seemingly unimaginable horrors orchestrated by the hand of a few. The elusiveness of this cabal may well serve as its greatest strength, thriving in the secrecy of the unknown and preying upon the silence of those too afraid to speak truth to power.

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, the echoes of discontent and mistrust linger, seeping into the very fabric of society. The damage caused by these actions is not easily repaired, and the scars etched into the nation’s collective psyche will endure for generations.

If there is one lesson to glean from this haunting message, it is the critical importance of vigilance. The safeguarding of our form of government demands relentless scrutiny, lest we succumb to the allure of complacency and unwittingly surrender our freedoms and liberties to those who lurk in the shadows.

Only by acknowledging this dark collusion and exposing these shadowy tactics to the light of scrutiny can we hope to safeguard the integrity of our representative government. The battle against misinformation is not one that can be fought in the shadows—it demands a united front, fueled by the unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of truth, transparency, and unfettered discourse.

As the dust settles and the tides of time carry us forward, we must remain ever watchful, for in the shadows, the sinister whispers of power and control may once again seek to steal the very soul of our nation.

Handbook For 2023

Handbook For 2023 1. If Bill Gates is involved, avoid it.2. If Joe Biden says it's true, it's false.3. If the CDC or FDA say it's safe, it's dangerous.4. If Congress makes a law to help you, it will hurt you.

Handbook For 2023
1. If Bill Gates is involved, avoid it.
2. If Joe Biden says it’s true, it’s false.
3. If the CDC or FDA say it’s safe, it’s dangerous.
4. If Congress makes a law to help you, it will hurt you.

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