Texas Beer Joint Sues Local Church


(This should keep you chuckling for awhile)

A bar called Drummond’s (in Mt Vernon, Texas ) began construction on an expansion of their building, hoping to “grow” their business.

In response, the local Southern Baptist Church started a campaign to block the bar from expanding – petitions, prayers, etc.

About a week before the bar’s grand re-opening, a bolt of lightning struck the bar and burned it to the ground!

Afterward, the church folks were rather smug – bragging about “the power of prayer”.

The angry bar owner eventually sued the church on grounds that the church… “Was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, through direct actions or indirect means.”

Of course, the church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building’s demise.

The judge read carefully through the plaintiff’s complaint and the defendant’s reply.

He then opened the hearing by saying:

“I don’t know how I’m going to decide this, but it appears from the paperwork that what we have here is a bar owner who now believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that does not.”


Joke Of The Day: The Republican

Rubber ChickenA union boss walks into a bar next to the factory and is about to order a drink to celebrate Obama’s victory when he sees a guy close by wearing a Romney for President button and a beer in front of him.

He doesn’t have to be an Einstein to know that this guy is a Republican. So, he shouts over to the bartender so loudly that everyone can hear, “Drinks for everyone in here, bartender, but not for the Republican.”

Soon after the drinks have been handed out, the Republican gives him a big smile, waves at him, then says, “Thank you!” in an equally loud voice.This infuriates the union boss.

The union boss once again loudly orders drinks for everyone except the Republican. As before, this does not seem to bother the Republican. He continues to smile, and again yells, “Thank you!”

The union boss asks the bartender, “What the hell is the matter with that Republican? I’ve ordered two rounds of drinks for everyone in the bar but him, and all the silly ass does is smile and thanks me. Is he nuts?”

“Nope,” replies the bartender. “He owns the place.”



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