Joke Of The Day: Newborn Hermaphrodite

Rubber Chicken A woman gives birth to a baby and afterward the doctor comes into the room and says, “I have something to tell you about your child..”

The woman slowly sits up with a worried look on her face and says, “What’s wrong with it?”

The doctor says, “There’s nothing really wrong with it, it’s just a little different! It’s a hermaphrodite.”

The woman looks confused. “A hermaphrodite, what’s that?”

The doctor replies, “It has both features of a male and a female.”

The woman looks relieved. “What? You mean it has a penis AND a brain?”



Spoiled Baby Deer

This spoiled baby deer loves it’s belly rubbed.


Justin Lewis, a powerline worker from Kentucky, found a fawn at one of his job sites. He started rubbing its belly and the fawn would cry every time he tried to put it down. But don’t worry, the baby deer was reunited with its mother soon after this video was filmed.



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