Catching Mud Crabs

Aussie teens catch mud crabs by hand and have a seafood BBQ.


Even though it’s nearly March, it’s still pretty cold and nasty outside. Not so in Australia where it is averaging in the mid 70’s right now. And the Tarra Darra Brothers are enjoying every minute of the nice weather.

In this extended clip, the boys go hunting for mud crabs and have a seafood BBQ that makes Red Lobster look like, well, Red Lobster. Jealous? Yes.

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Joke Of The Day: Wheelie Bins

Rubber Chicken In Australia, the curbside garbage carts are called “wheelie bins.”

A garbage collector is driving along a Sydney street picking up the wheelie bins and emptying them into his rubbish truck. He goes to one house where the bin hasn’t been left out.

In the spirit of kindness and after having a quick look about for the bin, he gets out of his truck, goes to the front door and knocks. There’s no answer.

Being a conscientious bloke, he knocks again – much harder. Eventually, a Japanese man comes to the door. “Harro!” says the Japanese man.

“G’day mate, where’s ya’ bin?” asks the collector.

“I bin on toilet,” explains the Japanese bloke, a bit perplexed.

Realizing the fellow had misunderstood him, the bin man smiles and tries again. “No mate, where’s ya’ dust bin?”

“I dust been to toilet, I toll you!” says the Japanese man, still perplexed.

“Listen,” says the garbage collector. “You’re misunderstanding me. I mean, where’s ya’ wheelie bin?'”

OK, OK. ” replies the Japanese man with a sheepish grin, and whispers in the collector’s ear. “I… wheelie bin having sex wiffa wife’s sista!!



How To Of The Day: How To Speak Australian

Josh Hawkins and Rhys Keir demonstrate how to speak like an Australian. Apparently Australians love to use abbreviations.




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