R.I.P. Army Specialist Stephen Fortunato

This should be required reading for every American. Army Specialist Stephen Fortunato was a true American hero and represented everything that is great in our country. Unfortunately, most of America, these days, is not worthy of having a real Patriot like Specialist Fortunato fight for the freedoms that they are abusing.

May this brave young soldier rest in peace.

Send this to everyone you know!

Slain Beverly soldier explained why he served

The following is a blog entry written on Aug. 30, 2008, by Army Specialist Stephen Fortunato, who was killed Tuesday in Afghanistan when the vehicle he was riding in was blown up by an improvised explosive device. This entry was forwarded to the Globe by his mother, Elizabeth “Betty” Crawford.

If I may …

I’d like to say something….Just to get it out there so it is clear.
To all the pampered and protected Americans who feel it is their duty to inform me that I am not fighting for their freedom, and that i am a pawn in Bush’s agenda of greed and oil acquisition: Noted, and [expletive deleted] You.

I am not a robot. i am not blind or ignorant to the state of the world or the implications of the “war on terrorism.” i know that our leaders have made mistakes in the handling of a very sensitive situation, but do not for one second think that you can make me lose faith in what we, meaning America’s sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers in uniform are doing.

I am doing my part in fighting a very real enemy of the United States, i.e. Taliban, Al Qaida, and various other radical sects of Islam that have declared war on our way of life. Unless you believe the events of 9/11 were the result of a government conspiracy, which by the way would make you a MORON, there is no reasonable argument you can make against there being a true and dangerous threat that needs to be dealt with. i don’t care if there are corporations leaching off the war effort to make money, and i don’t care if you don’t think our freedom within America’s borders is actually at stake. i just want to kill those who would harm my family and friends. it is that simple. Even if this is just a war for profit or to assert America’s power, so what? Someone has to be on top and I want it to be us. There’s nothing wrong with wishing prosperity for your side.

I am a proud American. i believe that my country allows me to live my life more or less however i want to, and believe me, i have seen what the alternative of that looks like. i also believe that our big scary government does way more than it has to to help complete [expletive deleted]-ups get back on their feet, a stark comparison to places where leaders just line their own pockets with gold while allowing the people who gave them their power and privilage to starve. I have chosen my corner. I back my country, and am proud to defend it against aggressors. Also, if you dare accuse us of being inhumane, or overly aggressive because we have rolled into someone else’s country and blown some [expletive deleted] up and shot some people, let me remind you of just how inhumane we COULD be in defending ourselves. Let me remind you that we have a warhead that drops multiple bomblets from the stratosphere which upon impact, would turn all the sand in Iraq to glass, and reduce every living thing there to dust. Do we use it? No. Instead we use the most humane weapon ever devised: the American soldier. We send our bravest (and perhaps admitably craziest) men and women into enemy territory, into harms way, to root out those whom we are after and do our best to leave innocent lives unscathed.

…One last thing…a proposal. i know it has been stated time and time again but i just think it is worthy of reiteration. If you find yourself completely disgusted with the way America is being ran, and how we handle things on the global stage, you can leave. Isn’t that amazing? No one will stop you! If you are an anarchist, there are places you can go where there is no government to tell you anything. That’s right…you are left solely to your own devices and you can handle the men who show up at your door with AKs in any way that you see fit. Just don’t try good old American debate tactics on them because you will most likely end up bound and blind-folded, to have your head chopped off on the internet so your parents can see it. However if you insist on staying here and taking advantage of privilages such as free speach and WIC, keep the counter-productive [expletive deleted] to a minimum while the grown ups figure out how to handle this god-awful mess in the middle east.

The Largest Reenlistment Ceremony Ever Goes Unnoticed By the Main Stream Media

You can check this out on with Snopes; is all true.

I’m sure you already know about this. It was shown over and over on TV, right?

OK, so maybe it wasn’t shown over and over, but surely it was shown on TV at least one time, wasn’t it?

This was the largest re-enlistment ceremony ever held in military history. The ceremony was held on the 4th of July, 2008 at Al Faw Palace, Baghdad, Iraq . General David Petraeus officiated. This amazing story was ignored by the ‘mainstream’ media.

For those who have been in the Al Faw Palace, you’ll have a better appreciation of the number of people crammed around the rotunda supporting the re-enlisting soldiers.

American men and women volunteering to stay longer in Iraq, so that when we leave, the new democracy will have a chance of surviving, is the exact opposite of what the media wants you to think about Iraq. If only a bomb had killed 5 civilians in a marketplace – now that’s the kind of news the media is eager to tell you about.

A pizzeria in Chicago donated 2000 pizzas that were made and shipped to Baghdad, and were delivered on the 4th.

The media did report that 2000 pizzas were sent to Iraq on July 4th… The only part they left out of the report was the event for which the pizzas were sent.

I can’t help but wonder…What would the opinion of Americans be if they weren’t getting such obviously biased ‘news?’

Please pass this link on and we will do some positive work for the Main Stream Media as well as honoring these brave citizen soldiers.

God Bless America!

Joke Of The Day

A Somalian arrives in Minneapolis as a new immigrant to the United States .

He stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says, “Thank you Mr. American for letting me in this country, giving me housing, food stamps, free medical care, and free education!”

The passerby says, “You are mistaken, I am Mexican.” The man goes on and encounters another passerby. “Thank you for having such a beautiful country here in America !”

The person says, “I not American, I Vietnamese.”

The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops, shakes his hand and says, “Thank you for the wonderful America!”

That person puts up his hand and says, “I am from Middle East , I am not American!”

He finally sees a nice lady and asks, “Are you an American?”

She says, “No, I am from Africa !” Puzzled, he asks her, “Where are all the Americans?”

The African lady checks her watch and says….”Probably at work

The Second American Revolution

Award-winning Actor-writer-historian, Dr. Bob Basso, who for 32 years has been portraying legendary patriot Thomas Paine, author of the pamphlet “COMMON SENSE” that inspired colonial America to shout “Enough Is Enough” and take back their country, has brought the man who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence back to life.

His message to modern America is just as passionate and critical. Whether you’re Democrat of Republican, Independent , right or left, his message is a stinging call to arms to return to common sense in a new revolution of massive response.

“Common Sense” echoes the theme of this blog and I would suggest that you pass this on to everybody that you know.

Thomas Paine, author of “Common Sense,” returns to modern times to pleas for a second revolution to take back America, Now!

We The People Stimulus Package

“Made in USA” Making a Comeback

This is an interesting article, suggesting a change back to when people were proud to be American and showed their support by buying products that said “American Made” or “Made in America”. This trend is one that is good for us and America; hopefully one that continues, and becomes stronger.

It’s time for a change, the very opposite change suggested by B. Hussein Obama — Buy America, buy American made and produced, Invest in America, vote America, vote American, vote for a real and true American, vote against those who don’t like and love America – who aren’t proud of America and being an American, and who disrespect our values, our history, our flag and our troops, and all 43,000,000 who have served our country.

For me, it is a simple decision, an easy choice: America first, America first and foremost…. putting America first before “self”, politics and winning votes and an election. Simply put, American values, duty and honor — as the old commercial goes – “the old fashion way!”

Now let’s see some “Drilled in the USA” labels.

‘Made in USA’ starts to make a return

In the wake of a decades-long manufacturing exodus overseas, the climbing cost of outsourcing has some U.S. companies looking homeward.

The gap between the cost to produce goods in the United States or to produce them abroad has narrowed, thanks to a decrease in China’s competitive advantage.

The Chinese yuan has appreciated 18 percent against the dollar in the past three years, making exports more expensive and less competitive. Chinese wages have more than doubled over the past five years, and the Chinese government has lowered or eliminated tax breaks on exports.

Meanwhile, oil prices have soared from $25 a barrel in 2002 to more than $125 today, discouraging American businesses from shipping manufacturing operations overseas.

“The days are over where you just think you can go over to China to get something cheap,” said Harry Kazazian, chief executive officer of Exxel Outdoors Inc., a Haleyville, Ala., producer of outdoor recreational gear.

Exxel has been doing just that since 2005, when executives detected the beginnings of a market shift favoring homemade wares.

“It’s kind of like the light bulb goes off in your head,” Mr. Kazazian said.

“We really need to come back,” he told Exxel President Armen Kouleyan while they toured their production plants in China.

Colleagues raised their eyebrows at the plan, but Exxel soon began investing in its Haleyville, Ala., factory in preparation for a move back to the United States. The company increased the American portion of production of its best-selling family sleeping bag from 40 percent to more than 60 percent, said Mr. Kazazian. He plans to increase that to 90 percent by 2010. The company will produce 1.5 million sleeping bags this year and expects to make 2 million next year.

“We’re kind of on the front end of the trend,” Mr. Kazazian said, explaining that by maintaining its U.S. factory when other companies closed their domestic plants, Exxel avoided huge startup costs and delays when it decided to repatriate production. “We wanted to keep our options open. Whether you call it hindsight or you call it good fortune, I think that is why we’re ahead of the curve.”

No hard data are available to document the shift back to U.S. factories, said NAM Chief Economist David Huether. But a second-quarter NAM survey of 314 member companies showed that 59 percent of respondents have seen “increased costs of materials and supplies imported from abroad” and 30 percent are purchasing more supplies from domestic sources.

Mr. Kazazian said he thinks outsourcing has peaked.

Factory owners might wait and watch price trends before shifting to domestic manufacturing on a large scale, said Hank Cox, vice president of communications for the National Association of Manufacturers.

“For them to turn around and say, ‘Oops, mistake,’ that takes a lot of money to bring production back here,” he said. “It’s not just something you can do at the drop of a hat. These factors would have to continue for a while before you would see a tipping point.”

Still, economic forces make it more attractive for an increasing number of manufacturers to move toward more domestic production, Mr. Cox said. Although factories won’t gear up overnight, the sustained increases in oil prices – and shipping costs – are bringing the change closer.

Firestone Home Products, a Burnsville, Minn., maker of high-end outdoor furniture and gas grills, has decided to return 25 percent of its total manufacturing to U.S. plants from China.

China and India produce about 75 percent of Firestone’s goods today.

“There’s been steady cost increases over the last three years, and all of them have been double-digit-type increases,” said Firestone founder and President Dan Shimek, who invented Heat-N-Glo fireplaces with his brother Ron before starting Firestone in 2004. He anticipates upping American production by October.

“Our interest would be to position in the United States to begin with, so when it gets so that it’s not that much more expensive to make it here, it becomes more attractive. I would like to think that this can be done on a permanent basis,” Mr. Shimek said.

U.S. production costs are increasing along with China’s. The NAM study said 79 percent of manufacturers report increased costs for domestically produced goods. But for some businesses, reducing costs by cutting overseas shipments sweetens the incentive to manufacture in the United States.

A producer of classroom furniture for schoolchildren, Artco-Bell Corp. of Temple, Texas, has transferred production of steel and polypropylene goods from foreign to domestic sources. Although that has meant an increase in unit costs, eliminating transoceanic shipping has reduced total expenses by as much as 20 percent, said Stephen Sykes, vice president of marketing.

Over the past eight years, he said, the cost to ship a container from China increased from $2,200 to more than $7,000.

“For a while, [the Chinese] were buying steel better than we could buy steel,” Mr. Sykes said. “But as the scales began to balance as far as what they were purchasing in raw and what we were purchasing in raw, then the freight became the issue. The great equalizer is the boat ride back over.”

Increased wages in China have produced a new middle class, Mr. Sykes said. If Chinese wage gains remain high, he said, his company’s shift to domestic production could become a long-term change.

“I don’t know how it’s going to slip the other way,” he said.

U.S. labor costs are still higher than Chinese, but other factors help make U.S. production more tempting, said Mr. Kazazian.

“You’re never going to have $2-an-hour labor” in the United States, he said. “But with quality, time, efficiency, you close the gap.”

Mr. Sykes said he is happy that his company has reduced foreign outsourcing from 12 percent to less than 4 percent of total output in the past year and a half.

“Not only does it make it feasible, but it sure makes us feel a heck of a lot better to do business in the United States,” he said.

Mr. Kazazian said domestic manufacturing helps his company keep customers satisfied while encouraging patriotic pride.

“Given the opportunity, American workers are better than anyplace else,” he said. “The pride that they have when they come in and produce a product is something missing in a lot of other places. Because at the end of the day, there’s a lot of advantages to being made in the USA.”

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