The Best Duct Tape Story Ever

During a private “fly-in” fishing excursion in the Alaskan wilderness, the chartered pilot and fishermen left a cooler and bait in the plane. And a bear smelled it. This is what he did to the plane.


The Best Duct Tape Story Ever


The Best Duct Tape Story Ever


The Best Duct Tape Story Ever


The Best Duct Tape Story Ever


The pilot used his radio and had another pilot bring him 2 new tires, 3 cases of duct tape, and a supply of sheet plastic. He patched the plane together, and FLEW IT HOME!


The Best Duct Tape Story Ever


The Best Duct Tape Story Ever


Why Aren’t The Windows Aligned With The Seats In Airplanes?

Simon Whistler explains why seats don’t line up with the windows on airplanes in a revealing episode of Today I Found Out. The cause has to do with airlines trying to maximize the number of passengers per flight by using different seating configurations than manufacturers recommend.

While airplane manufacturers do design the planes with general row positioning and pitch (the measurement from one seat to the same exact point on the seat in front or behind it) in mind, with the windows often lining up with the seats, the designers’ exact recommended arrangement is rarely, if ever, followed. You see, the final placement of seats is left up to the individual airlines that purchase the plane.


Joke Of The Day: Air New Zealand

Rubber Chicken A mother and her 5-year-old son were flying Air New Zealand from Auckland to Sydney.

The son (who had been looking out the window) turned to his mother and asked, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?”

The mother, who couldn’t think of an answer, told her son to ask the flight attendant.

So the little guy walks up to the galley and asks the flight attendant, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?”

The flight attendant responded, “Did your mother tell you to ask me that?”

The boy said, “Yes, she did.”

“Well, then, please tell your mother that there are no baby planes because Air New Zealand always pulls out on time. Ask her to explain that to you.”




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