Still waiting for someone, literally, ANYONE, to explain to me how Billions of UnVaxxed people with NO Boosters are still alive. Alive and Well. Just out there living their Best Life.

Alive and Well

Still waiting for someone, literally, ANYONE, to explain to me how Billions of UnVaxxed people…
A country run by banks will always be in debt. Healthcare run by Big Pharma will never cure disease. A state run by war will never know peace. A nation run by the media will never know the truth.

Know the Truth

A country run by banks will always be in debt. Healthcare run by Big Pharma…
Cards — Obama played the race card. Hillary played the woman card. America played the Trump card.


Obama played the race card. Hillary played the woman card. America played the Trump card.
No Taxes — Stop Paying Taxes Because We’re Being Replaced With Illegal Immigrants

No Taxes

Stop Paying Taxes Because We’re Being Replaced With Illegal Immigrants     “There's a lot of people out there that agree with not paying their
Cornish Game Hen On The Grill

Cornish Game Hen On The Grill

Cornish Game Hen On The Grill This simple recipe produces chicken that is extremely juicy with crispy skin. Absolutely delicious! Ingredients 1 cup olive oil
Use what talent you possess. The woods would be quiet if no birds sang except those that sang best.


Use what talent you possess. The woods would be quiet if no birds sang except…
Strong minds suffer without complaining. Weak minds complain without suffering.

Strong Minds

Strong minds suffer without complaining. Weak minds complain without suffering.
It's better to stand and fight. If you run, you'll only die tired.

Stand and Fight

It's better to stand and fight. If you run, you'll only die tired.

Joke Of The Day: Fishing With a Stck

Joke Of The Day: Fishing With a Stck A guy went fishing with his friend and had to ask, “Where is that new rod and reel you had the last time we went fishing? I can’t help but notice that you’re using a stick, a string, and a safety pin for a hook.”

His friend replied, “My wife thinks I’m wasting money, so I told her I’d take the new rod and reel back if I didn’t catch a fish… any more questions?”

“Yes, why didn’t you go to the market and buy a fish to take home? If you remember, that’s what I did last year, so I could keep my fishing gear.”

His friend answered, “I did, but I forgot to take it out of the package!”





Deadly Force

If your government does not use deadly force to defend your borders, but it will use deadly force against its own citizens to collect taxes and enforce its unconstitutional laws, the traitors have taken control of your government.

If your government does not use deadly force to defend your borders, but it will use deadly force against its own citizens to collect taxes and enforce its unconstitutional laws, the traitors have taken control of your government.

Random Riddle: Two Body Parts

For each clue below, think of a common expression which mentions two body parts.
Some phrases refer to two different body parts (mix), others use the same body part twice (match).

Example: The law of retaliation. Answer: An eye for an eye.

1. To be in agreement
2. A couple strolling
3. Suddenly in love
4. Intimate discussion
5. Very expensive
6. Done at a ballroom
7. Poor, nothing extra

Bonus: The title of this children’s action song mentions four different body parts.


Random Riddle: Two Body Parts



Joke Of The Day: Idiots in the Room

Joke Of The Day: Idiots in the Room “If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up” said the sarcastic teacher.

After a long silence, one freshman rose to his feet.

“Now then, mister, why do you consider yourself an idiot?” inquired the teacher with a sneer.

“Well, actually I don’t,” said the student, “but I hate to see you standing up there all by yourself.”





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